Subject: Electronic Circuits

Scientific Area:



80 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - The main objective of the course is to prepare the student to analyze and project the electronic analogue circuits that can, separately or integrated with other parts, respond to engineering necessities.
2 - Provide the students the capacity to analyze medium complexity electronic analogue circuits.
3 - Provide the students the capacity to project medium complexity electronic analogue circuits.


1 - Course presentation
2 - Power Amplifiers
3 - Frequence response of amplifiers
4 - Differencial amplifiers
5 - Current sources, mirrors and active load
6 - Operational Amplifier 741
7 - Feedback, compensation and stability of the amplifier
8 - Oscilators and Multivibrator
9 - Non-linear wave formatting circuits
10 - ADC and DAC
11 - Advanced electronics topics


Adel S. Sedra, Kenneth C. Smith , 2004 , Microelectronic Circuits , Oxford University Press
Jacob Millman-Arvin Grabel , 1991 , Microelectrónica , McGRAW-HILL
Adel S. Sedra, Kenneth C. Smith , ?Microelectronic Circuits? , Oxford University Press
Jacob Millman-Arvin Grabel , "Microelectrónica" , McGRAW-HILL
Robert Boylestad, Louis Nashelsky , ?Dispositivos Electrónicos e Teoria de Circuitos? , Prentice Hall do Brasil
Jacob Millman e Christos C. Halkias , "Integraded Electronics: Analog and Digital Circuits and Systems " , McGRAW-HILL
Muhammad H. Rashid , ?Microelectronic Circuits Analysis and Design? , PWS Publishing Company

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Teaching methodologies: - Lectures; - Solving exercises; - Practical work in laboratory; - Presentations. Evaluation: - Oral examinations; - Mid-term exam; - Practical work; - Sinthesys work.