Subject: Numerical Methods

Scientific Area:



48 Hours

Number of ECTS:

4,5 ECTS



Overall objectives:

O1 - Knowledge of the theoretical foundations and main numerical algorithms for solving mathematical problems in Engineering and Physical Sciences.
O2 - Use of MATLAB and Octave as software tools for numerical and symbolic computation and graphical visualization.


1 - Floating-point systems and programming languages for numerical computing.
2 - Numerical errors, conditioning and numerical stability.
3 - Interpolation and numerical integration.
4 - Numerical solution of systems of linear and nonlinear equations.
5 - Numerical methods for solving ordinary differential equations and systems of ordinary differential equations.
6 - Finite difference methods for partial differential equations.


Burden, R.L., Faires, J.D., Burden, A.M. , 2016 , Numerical Analysis, 10th ed. , Cengage Learning
Chapra, S., Canale, R. , 2014 , Numerical Methods for Engineers, 7th ed. , McGraw-Hill
Greenbaum, A., Chartier, T.P. , 2012 , Numerical Methods: Design, Analysis, and Computer Implementation of Algorithms , Princeton University Press
Quarteroni, A, Saleri, F., Gervasio, P. , 2014 , Scientific Computing with MATLAB and Octave, 4th ed. , Springer
Otto, S.R., Denier, J.P. , 2005 , An Introduction to Programming and Numerical Methods in MATLAB , Springer
Kharab, A., Guenther, R.B. , 2019 , An Introduction to Numerical Methods: A MATLAB Approach, 4th ed. , CRC Press

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Theoretical lectures and problem-solving classes. Evaluation method: Two individual tests, with parameters as follows: Test 1 (subjects 1 to 4) - 50%; Test 2 (subjects 5 and 6) - 50%.