Subject: Circuit Analysis

Scientific Area:



80 Hours

Number of ECTS:

7,5 ECTS



Overall objectives:

1 - Identify and understand the functioning of the constituent components and devices of electrical circuits.
2 - Know how to apply the fundamental Laws of electricity.
3 - Analyze direct current and alternating current circuits.
4 - Know the main characteristics of tri-phase systems.
5 - Introduce analysis methods for non-linear circuits.
6 - Use of adequate equipment and techniques for practical work.
7 - Use of (software) simulation tools.


1 - Introduction: System of units; Notion of current; Conduction in solids, liquids and gases.
2 - Electrical quantities: Current, Resistance; Transfer of energy; Circuit diagrams.
3 - Laws of electric circuits: Ohm's, Kirchhoff's Law of meshes, Kirchhoff's Law of knots; Equivalent resistance; Superposition Principle; Delta-Wye Conversions; Voltage and current dividers; Sources of energy; Measuring instruments.
4 - DC analysis: Analysis methods; Analysis with controlled sources; Thévenin's and Norton's Theorems
5 - Measurements in DC: Current, voltage and resistance; Power and energy.
6 - Single-phase AC: Steinmetz Theorem; Capacitors and coils: Impedance, Kirchhoff's Laws; Thévenin's and Norton's Theorems, AC powers, voltage transformer, AC measurements.
7 - Scope: CRT; Vertical Channel; Horizontal Channel; Measurements.
8 - Tri-phase systems: Production of sinusoidal signals; Delta and Wye loads; Powers.
9 - Introduction to non-linear circuits: Easy to implement graphical methods.


Aurélio Campilho , 2000 , Instrumentação Electrónica. Métodos e Técnicas de Medição , FEUP Edições
Luís Gomes , "Apontamentos de Análise de Circuitos" , Universidade da Madeira
Vítor Meireles , "Circuitos Eléctricos" , Lidel edições técnicas
J.A. Brandão Faria , 2013 , Análise de Circuitos , IST Press

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Teaching methodologies: - Lectures; - Problem solving; - Laboratory assignments including simulations; Evaluation: - Oral presentations and reports for the laboratory assignments; - 2 Tests - Exams for appeal and special season. The two frequencies have a weight of 65% (32.5% each) and the practical part has a weight of 35% (5 works with 5% each and a final practical test with 10% practice). In the resource, students can only do the theoretical/theoretical-practical part, but they can only do the 1st or 2nd frequency or both (global). In the special period exam have to do the overall exam (65%, keeping the grade of the practical part 35%).