Subject: Psychology of Sport

Scientific Area:

Sport Sciences


64 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

0 - In general terms it is intended to achieve two major objectives:
1 - Acquire and develop basic knowledge and skills in the field of Sports Psychology;
2 - Enable a more conscious, competent, adequate and effective intervention in Sport.


1 - Introduction, basic concepts and development of Sport Psychology;
2 - Sport and personality development
3 - the child's psychological development through sport
4 - Motivation for sport and exercise
5 - Activation, stress and anxiety
6 - Group Dynamics
7 - Leadership and Decision Making
8 - psychological skills in sport
9 - Psychology, health and well-being.


Cruz, J. F., & Gomes, A. R. , 1997 , Psicologia aplicada ao desporto e à actividade física: Teoria, investigação e prática. , Braga: Universidade do Minho-APPORT
Fonseca, A. M. , 2000 , A motivação dos jovens para o desporto e os seus treinadores , in Júlio Garganta (Ed.),
. , Horizontes e órbitas dos jogos desportivos , Porto: FCDEF, Universidade do Porto
Horn, T.S. , 1992 , Advances in sport psychology , Champaign IL: Human Kinetics
Orlick, T. , 2008 , In Pursuit of Excellence: How to Win in Sport and Life Through Mental Training , Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics
Raposo, J.J.V. , 1996 , Psicologia do desporto: Passado, presente e futuro. In José Cruz (Ed), Manual de psicologia do despo , Braga: Sistemas Humanos e Organizacionais
Roberts, G. , 2001 , Advances in motivation in sport and exercise. , Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics
Weinberg, R. S. & Gould, D. , 2007 , Foundations of Sport & Exercise Psychology , Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics
Alves, J. & Brito, P. , 2011 , Manual de Psicologia do Desporto para Treinadores , Visão e Contexto, Edições e Representações
Gill, D.L. , 2000 , Psychological Dynamics of Sport and Exercise , Human Kinetics
Smith,D. & Bar-Eli, M. , 2007 , Essential readings in Sport and Exercise Psychology , Human Kinetics

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The syllabus contents are developed in theoretical, theoretical-practical sessions and practical and laboratory teaching translated into different and complementary approaches and methodologies. Some presentations are more theoretical and expositive resorting to various audiovisual media. It stimulates debate, confrontation of ideas and points of view, research work and group work. It provides opportunity to research, select, reflect and discuss various topics, sharing some of these processes with the class itself. The evaluation facilitates a lot although the class as a rule does not allow 1 daily and very personalized follow-up of the student. The evaluation is carried out in complementary ways to respond to the objectives and to enhance the various aspects of U.C. The evaluation comprises 2 frequencies (25% + 25%) group work (35%) and continuous assessment (15%: participation and class discussions, commitment and compliments of the activities). Required attendance at 75% of classes.