Subject: Practical Studies VI - Combat Sports
Scientific Area:
Sport Sciences
48 Hours
Number of ECTS:
Overall objectives:
1 - Understand and explain Combat Sports, using a structuring of knowledge (integrated knowledge from different areas), allowing personalized management in different sports markets.
2 - . Identify, understand and explain, with regard to Combat Sports:
2.1 - The nature of the most diverse and representative perspectives, concepts, practices and corresponding paradigms, which seek to explain the global framework and the specific and specific nature of the different modalities;
2.2 - The global and specific dynamics, as well as the most diverse critical aspects that distinguish them from each other and the other Sport Modalities;
2.3 - The history, evolution and perspectives of the development of Combat Sports.
1 - The taxonomic model of Combat Sports: F useful
3 - The classifications, affinities and differences between different Combat Sports;
4 - Competition forms and regulations;
5 - The specific safety problems of Combat Sports. Income vs. Security;
6 - The income as an objective, emphasis on the level of Judo, and are also addressed to Karate, Fight, Fencing and Boxing:
6.1 - The contextualized analysis, from an ecological perspective, of the center mass ratio / base of support and the factors of optimization of the application of forces (relation of the basic variables on movement e = vt; F = ma; v = at; Ec = ½ mv2);
6.2 - Concepts and their functionalities;
7 - The diagnosis in Combat Sports;
8 - Use of instruments previously studied in the analysis of situations of Combat Sports.
Almada, F. , 1980 , Judo Análise Mecânica das Técnicas de Projecção do Gókio, , ISEF-CDI
Gleeson, G , sd , Judo , Publicações Europa-América
Lima, A. , 1995 , As bases das actividades fisíco-desportivas dos desportos de combate, , ISEF-CDI
Figueiredo, A. , 1998 , Os Desportos de Combate nas aulas de Educação Física , Horizonte,
Lopes, H., Vicente, A., Simões, J., Vieira, M. & Fernando, C. , 2016 , O Processo Pedagógico nos Desportos de Combate. , Journal of Sport Pedagogy and Research,
Otaki, T. et al., , 1998 , Judo Formal Techniques, , Vermont & Tokyo, Charles E. Tuttle Company Inc.
Robert, L. , 1964 , O Judo. , Editorial Notícias.
Sato, N. , 1992 , Ashiwaza - Técnicas maestras de Judo. , Editorial Paidotribo.
Vieira, M., Fernando, C., Apolinário, J. & Lopes, H. , 2014 , Os Desportos de Combate Enquanto Meio de Transformação do Homem , Revista da Sociedade Científica de Pedagogia do Desporto,
Assesssment methods and criteria:
Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)
Evaluation Methodology:
Through a set of theoretical-practical experiences, are equated the specific content of Combat Sports (emphasis on Judo), analysing the situations arising from their specificity, from the perspective of the formulation of the relations that bring them closer or distance. Identifying still the dominant characteristics that embody each CS, in order to formulate the relationships that will exist among its most diverse forms of expression. Always having the concern to create habits of study, research and observation, are carried out written tests (50%), research and observation works with possibility of oral exposition and multimedia expression (25%) and analyzes of the situations carried out in class (25%). Note: Minimum mark of 10 values in each of the three components and 75% of attendance to given classes