Subject: Methodology of Sports Training

Scientific Area:

Sport Sciences


80 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Identify critically different perspectives, concepts, practices and their paradigms to competition/ training of different methodological approaches, applicable to games and to the various sporting disciplines.
2 - To develop and get to know the inter-influence of multi-elements that makes up the sports performance.
3 - To know, deepen and exercising the methodologies and the different factors that affect the performance in training and in competition.
4 - Critically understand the different models of organization and periodization of sports training.
5 - Provide students the ability to intervene in the planning, management and evaluation of the training process for participation in the competition.
6 - Generate specific skills training in physical, technical -tactical and strategic training.
7 - To organize, execute, and evaluate a program of training and competition within the framework of school sports and physical education Curriculum.


1 - Basics of Sport Training: Historical evolution Transdisciplinary and multidimensional training and Sports performance Training load Adaptation in sports
2 - Management of training load: Load factors Training principles Training exercises Training methods
3 - The training of conditional capacities and coordinative purposes: Resistance Strength Speed Flexibility Coordinative purposes qualities Sport technique Tactics and strategy
4 - Planning and periodization of sports training: Fundamentals of periodization Sports form Microstructure of the training Workout mesoestructure Macrostructure for training Different models of sports periodization
5 - Coaching children and youth: Main features of coaching youth Competition structure for children and youth Talent Detection
6 - Evaluation and control of training and competition: Assessment and control in different sports Different indicators used in assessment


Araújo, D.( , 2005 , O Contexto da Decisão. A Acção Táctica no Desporto , Visão e Contextos, Lisboa
Baechle, T. & Earle, R. , 2008 , Essentials of strength training and conditioning , Human Kinetics
Bompa, T.( , 1983 , Theory and Methodology of training. The Key to Athletic Performance , owa, Kent Hunt Publishing Company
Castelo, J.;Barreto,H.; Alves, F.; Mil-Homens, P.; Carvalho,J. E Vieira, J.( , 1996 , Metodologia do Treino Desportivo , Ed. FMH, Lisboa
Hahn, E. , 1988 , Entrenamiento com niños , Ediciones Martinez Roca
Manso, J.;Valdivielso,M.; Caballero,J. , 1996 , Bases Teóricas del Entrenamiento Deportivo. Princípios y Aplicaciones , Ed. Gymnos Editorial, Madrid
McMorris, Terry; Hale, Tudor , 2006 , Coaching Science. Theory into practice , Wiley Sport Texts Series
AÑÓ, V., , 1997 , Planificación y organización del entrenamiento juvenil , Madrid, Gymnos Editorial
Verjoshanski, I. , 1990 , Entrenamiento Deportivo. Planificación y Programación , Ed. Martinez Roca, S.A.,Barcelona
Raposo, V. , 2017 , Planeamento do Treino Desportivo. Fundamentos, organização e operacionalização , Visão e Contextos, Edições e Representações, Lda

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The syllabus is covered in theoretical sessions and practical-theoretical and laboratory practice, with possibility of student?s intervention, and clarification of their questions. It encouraged the active participation of the student, either through additional readings and presentations of summaries, both through the timely and appropriate intervention in lessons (10%). In the evaluation of the students' learning, four elements are still considered: two tests of theoretical evaluation of knowledge (25% each); an application work for the construction and development of the training process in sport, subject to presentation and group discussion (15%), individual oral on labour (15%) and a report on a seminar (10%).