Subject: Motor Development Psychophysiology

Scientific Area:

Sport Sciences


32 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Understand Human Motricity not only as an interface element between the organism and the environment, but also as a factor of adaptation and evolutionary progress;
2 - Allow an integrated study ranging from the molecular, biochemical and cellular dimension to the most elaborate expressions of brain functioning;
3 - Provide the Neurobiological and Neuro-Endocrine bases of the Control mechanisms that allow the understanding of the relations between the Nervous System and the Behaviors;
4 - To know and present, with adequate argument, the analysis of human behavior in the motor, mental, and vegetative aspects;
5 - Promote the integration / mobilization of knowledge that contributes to a global and multidisciplinary intervention in the optimization of behavior, particularly human movement, applying the knowledge of Psychophysiology;
6 - Perform teamwork, with a sense of responsibility and ethical conduct;
7 - Be able to communicate and justify the work through written and oral exposition.


1.1 - Psychophysiology and Motor Science


Correia, P. P., MELO, F. , 1999 , Encéfalo, in Anatomofisiologia, Tomo II, Função Neuromuscular Função Neuromuscular , Edições FMH, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa
Fonseca, V. , 2001 , Uma Abordagem Neuropsicológica à Somatognósia, in Progressos em Psicomotricidade , FMH Edições, Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, Univ
Godinho, M. , 2002 , Controlo Motor e Aprendizagem: Fundamentos e Aplicações , Lisboa. Edições FMH
Latash , M. L. , 1998 , Neurophysiological Basis of Movement , Human Kinetics Publishers
Schmidt, R.; Wrisberg, C. , 2004 , Motor Control and Performance , Human Kinetics
Teixeira. L. A. , 2006 , Controle Motor , Edições Manole, São Paulo ? Brasil
Nordengen K. , 2018 , O Poder do nosso Cérebro - Desvendando os Segredos da Mente Humana , Planeta
Cairns-Smith, A.G. , 2003 , O Sonho do Cérebro , Publicações Europa América
Correia, A. Fernando, C. & Lopes, H. , 2013 , Dança e Emoções. Seminário Desporto e Ciência , Universidade da Madeira
Damásio, A. , 1998 , O Erro de Descartes , Publicações Europa América
Fonseca V. , 1988 , Da Filogénese à Ontogénese da Motricidade , Artes Médicas
Fonseca, V. , 1989 , Desenvolvimento Humano. Da Filogénese à Ontogénese da Motricidade , Editorial Notícias
Madeira, F. , 1990 , Comportamento Postural e Prestação Desportiva de Alto rendimento , Faculdade de Motricidade Humana ? Serviço de Edições
Snell, R.S. , 2006 , Clinical Neuroanatomy , Lippincott Williams & Williams

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The syllabus contents are approached in a climate of openness and incentive to participation and clarification of doubts, requiring a minimum presence in 75% of classes. 2. The oral presentation is used, diversified didactic material, using the transversal reflection of the contents and analysis of different situations and cases of study, where the knowledge and skills acquired are applied. 3. It is promoted the understanding and applicability of the programmatic contents in the (20%) in the middle of the semester and a test aimed at the total subject matter (50%) in order to ascertain the mastery of knowledge. 4. Critical thinking and reflective analysis are encouraged, promoting further research and reading, applied in group work with a topic of interest to the students (30%). Competences of research and organization of knowledge are developed, as well as communication and written and oral reasoning.