Subject: Pedagogy of Sport
Scientific Area:
Sport Sciences
80 Hours
Number of ECTS:
Overall objectives:
1 - Contribute to the understanding of the complexity and dynamics of the teaching-learning process, by analyzing different variables that make up;
2 - Promote an attitude of research focused on the provision of information about the State of knowledge in the field of sport pedagogy, to contribute to support proper decision-making and its effective implementation;
3 - Know the paradigms that tell the scientific analysis of teaching situations within the framework of Physical Education and sport and promote the practical expression of the concepts, principles and techniques in connection therewith;
4 - Stimulate the use of teaching techniques and observation instruments applicable in the teaching of sports activities and develop the ability to apply and analyze.
5 - Contribute to the development of skills essential to professional performance
1 - Contextual framework, methodology, instrumental and strategic.
1.1 - An understanding of the teaching processes at different stages of evolution of societies.
2 - Analysis of higher education ? the pedagogical process in sport ? performance and income. Critical analysis of various factors (the Pedagogical Effectiveness; Analysis of different research Paradigms; Pedagogical Effectiveness research strategies in the teaching of Physical and sporting Activities; Characteristics of a effective/ineffective Education; Educational success determinants variables).
3 - Communication strategies.
3.1 - Functions of higher education (instruction, Feedback, organization, Affectivity and Observation).
3.2 - Teaching styles (analysis of the teaching styles of M.Mosston and its implications at the level of the pedagogical process).
4 - The laboratory in teaching process.
5 - Use of instruments previously studied in the situation analysis.
6 - Case studies.
Almada, F., Fernando, C., Lopes, H., Vicente, A., Vitória, M. , 2008 , A ROTURA - A Sistemática das Actividades Desportivas , Torres Novas: Edição VML
Carreiro da Costa, F. , 1996 , Condições e factores de ensino-aprendizagem e condutas motoras significativas: uma análise a partir , Boletim da S.P.E.F., nº 14.
Mosston, M.; Ashworth, S. , 1994 , Teaching Physical Education , New York: Macmillan College Publishing Company
Piéron, M. , 1999 , Para una Enseñanza Eficaz de las Actividades Fisico-Deportivas , Barcelona: INDE Publicaciones
Rodrigues, J. , 1995 , O Comportamento do Treinador ,
Sena Lino, L. , 1999 , A Influência de duas Estratégias de Ensino diferenciadas na Aquisição de Habilidades Desportivas Ele ,
Siendentop, D. , 1994 , Apprendre à Enseigner l? Éducation Physique , Paris: Gaetan Morin Éditeur
Lopes, H., Fernando, C., Vicente, A., Simões, J. & Prudente, J. , 2012 , O Processo Pedagógico , Coisas de Ler
Lopes, H., Vicente, A., Prudente, J., Simões, J. & Fernando, C. , 2015 , O Laboratório no Processo Pedagógico , UMa
Rosado, A & Mesquita, I. (Eds.) , 2011 , Pedagogia do Desporto , Edições FMH
Sarmento, P. , 2004 , Pedagogia do Desporto e Observação , Edições FMH
Assesssment methods and criteria:
Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)
Evaluation Methodology:
The methodologies used are the oral presentation with discussion of various subjects covered, the application of the concepts of analysis, problem-solving applied to different situations and case studies. Evaluation is understood not as a simple process of control but as a pedagogical act. Consistent with UC objectives, the aim is to assess the problem-solving capacity based on the knowledge provided (which has become an instrument - domain of a methodology) and the ability to research, relate, and reflect on the pedagogical process and get operational in new situations. The evaluation is carried out through: - A written frequency that requests critical reflection (30%); - Application of content addressed in context of controlled pedagogical practice and its analysis (25%); - Laboratory work applied to a defined situation analyzed the pedagogical implications that could be withdrawn (25%); - Interventions in class (20%).