Subject: Practical Studies II - Handball

Scientific Area:

Sport Sciences


48 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Identify the nature of the different perspectives and paradigms relating to conceptualization and systematization of Team games(TG);
2 - Conceptualize and systematize handball as TG;
3 - Experience significant ecologically-situations-from handball, and their interactions structure-functional, so as to achieve a minimum level of competence (practical-theoretical) referenced to specific movements of the Handball;
4 - Understand and identify (know how to Observe) the whole dynamics of Team Game, in particular handball, and of the structures of the duels in this sport;
5 - To learn the essentials of the history, evolution and development prospective of handball, pursuing to acquire a proactive and forward-looking vision of these sports.
7 - Create habits and knowledge about how to observe and study the sport discussed.


1 - Team games: nature and classification
1.1 - Cooperation-opposition Team games, common space and simultaneous participation
2 - History of Handball
3 - Terminology, symbols and sinaletic of Handball
4 - Analisys of Handball
4.1 - Essential characteristics of the Handball game
4.2 - Formal structure - game rules
4.3 - Analysis of the complex structure of the game
5 - The play in Attack
5.1 - Technical-tactical individual actions
5.2 - Group Tactics actions
5.3 - Game methods in the attack
5.4 - Systems of play: 3:3, 2:4 e 3:3-2:4
6 - Defence play
6.1 - Technical-tactical individual actions
6.2 - Group Tactics actions
6.3 - Game methods in Defence:
6.4 - Systems of play in defence: 6:0, 5:1, 3:2:1, 4:2, 3:3, 5+1, 4+2
7 - The goalkeeper
7.1 - Analysis of specific post
7.2 - The ball stop
7.3 - Invidual tactic of goalkeeper
7.4 - Group tactic: cooperation between defender players and the goalkeeper
8 - History and development of beach Handball
8.1 - The rules


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França,J , 1986 , Subsídios para a História do Andebol em Portugal , DGD. Lisboa
Garcia, J. , 1990 , Balonmano:Fundamentos y etapas de aprendizage , Editorial Gymnos. Madrid
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Sousa, D.; Prudente,J.; Sequeira, P. , 2013 , Analysis of 2 vs 2 in organized attack in Handball in a situation of numericalequality 6 vs 6 in 2011 World Womens Championship. , 2nd EHF Scientific Conference- Women and Handball. Scientific and Practical Approaches. Viena
Thiel, A. ; Hecker,S. , 1993 , ). Le gardien de but. , Éditions Vigot. Paris
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Czerwinski,J , 1993 , El Balonmano. Técnica, Táctica y entrenamiento , INDE
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Latiskevits, L.A. , 1991 , Balonmano. Deporte e entrenamiento , PAIDOTRIBO
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Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The syllabus is covered in theoretical-practical sessions and laboratorial practices with possibility of intervention and clarification of student's questions. It encouraged the active participation of the student, either through additional readings and presentations of summaries, both through the timely and appropriate intervention in the classroom, or by carrying out observation and classes reports (10%). On the evaluation of student learning process are still considered three elements: one assessment test of knowledge (40%); one group work, observations and respective reports (25%), and one practice assessments (25%).