Subject: History of Sports

Scientific Area:

Sport Sciences


48 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - To acquire basic knowledge of the domain of ethno-anthropology in order to understand the discussion about the dynamic process of Culture.
2 - To know the cultural dynamics that structure the understanding of the importance of physical activity and the different meanings and readings that gave expression to it.
3 - Understand the anthropological-cultural and social values and dynamics in the different historical periods of the human life, where physical activities have marked importance.
4 - To know the different expressions of physical activity and its relative importance, determined by differentiated civilizational contexts, from antiquity to our days, understanding the reasons, from the philosophical and ideological currents that justified them.
5 - To acquire the ability to analyse comparatively the different expressions, values and contexts, for a better understanding of the reality of the Sport Culture of our days.


1 - Conceptual structure of cultural dynamics.
2 - Culture and Human Adjustment.
3 - Essential Factors of Culture.
4 - Etnemas.
5 - The Game as a cultural phenomenon.
6 - The Game and the Sacred.
7 - Antique. The Hellenic World and the expressions of physical activity. Roman Period, from the Olympic Games to the Ludi.
8 - Middle Ages. Devaluation of physical activity practices by a conception of human existence based on Idealist Metaphysics. Tournaments and Joust; Folkloric strand; Physical activities with functional characteristics.
9 - Modern age. The Renaissance Movement and the new conception of human existence determined by the passage from a Theocentric conception to an Anthropocentric conception.
10 - Contemporary age. Enlightenment movement in the affirmation of the importance of recreational-sporting activities. Political instability in the Europe of the century XIX and the European conceptions of Physical Education. Historical conjunctures that, in the century XX, constituted important milestones of the Institutionalization of Sport.


. , 2002 , Actas das III Jornadas de Sociologia do Desporto - Um olhar sociológico sobre o desporto no limiar d , Colecção Estudos, CEFD, Lisboa
Autores diversos , O Desporto no Séc.XXI , Ed. C.M.Oeiras, Lisboa
Berger, Peter , Perspectivas sociologicas , Ed. Vozes, Lisboa
Bernardi, Bernardo , Introdução aos Estudos Etno-antropológicos , Edições 70, Coimbra
Caillois, Roger , O Homem e o Sagrado , Edições 70, Coimbra
Horton, Paul B./Hunt, Chester L. , ?Sociologia? , São Paulo, Ed. McGraw-Hill, Brasil
Tittieve, Mischa , Introdução à Antropologia Cultural , Ed. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa.
Dufour, W. , 1993 , Une Demi-Siécle d?Educaction Physique en Europe: FIEP Bulletin , Ant./Wint
Elias, N. , 1992 , A Busca da Excitação , Ed Difel, Lisboa
Seurin, P. , 1961 , L?Education Phisique dans le Monde , Ed. Briére, Bordeaux
Vandalen, D.B. , 1971 , A World History of Physical Education , N.J., Prentice Hall, Inc
Hasse, M. , 1999 , O Divertimento do Corpo. Corpo, Lazer e Desporto, na transição do Século XIX para o Século XX, em Portugal , Ed. Temática
Mandell, R. D. , 2006 , Historia cultural del deporte , Bellaterra Ediciones

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
"Active methods" are adopted by discussions addressed in the classes of topics previously defined according to the contents of the blocks of material included in the program, based on: 1. Presentation of the fundamental contents by the lecturer in theoretical classes. 2. Parallel and compulsory reading of texts indicated by the teacher, with the presentation by the students of written critical summaries. 3. Critical analysis in theoretical-practical classes of the readings mentioned in 2. Assessment - a) Periodic assessment: consisting of two written tests on questions of program content. (Weighting 70%); b) Continuous evaluation - Written works with presentation and oral defense (20% weighting); c) Critical interventions based on the course of the classes. (Weighting 10%).