Subject: Functional Anatomy

Scientific Area:

Sport Sciences


48 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - To know the physiological structure of the locomotor and nervous system;
2 - To know the integrated structure and physiology of the systems that contribute to the vital functions as well as the regulatory systems of internal organic life (Autonomic Nervous System Endocrine and Nervous System).
3 - To develop skills in the ability of interpretation, analysis and intervention in anatomophysiology of movement and physical activity.


1 - Basic needs to the study of anatomophysiology
1.1 - Sistemas and apparatus
1.2 - Organs
1.3 - Basic tissues: connective, muscular, nervous and epithelial
1.4 - Cells
1.5 - Basic cellular physiology
1.6 - Types of transport
2 - Neuromuscular function
2.1 - Organization of neural tissue
2.2 - Anatomy and functions of the nervous centers
2.3 - Receptores pathways and sensitivity
2.4 - Muscle fiber contraction process
2.5 - Energy metabolism of the muscle fiber
3 - Osteology
3.1 - Description of the human skeleton
3.2 - Connective tissue
4 - Artrology
4.1 - Constitution and physiology of the joints mobile
4.2 - Functional characteristics of the skeleton osteoarticular
5 - Muscular anatomy
5.1 - Organization of muscle groups. Location, origin insertion and action of different muscles
6 - Getting acquainted with internal organic life
7 - Regulatory systems of organic life
8 - Cardiovascular system
9 - Gastrointestinal system
10 - Respiratory system
11 - Urinary system


Correia, P. , 2003 , Anatomofisiologia Tomo II. Função neuromuscular , 2ª Ed. Lisboa: Edições FMH
Correia, P., Pascoal, A. & Espanha, M. , 2002 , Aparelhos e Sistemas de Manutenção do Meio Interno. Estudos Práticos II , Cruz-Quebrada: Edições FMH.
Espanha, M., Pascoal, A., & Correia, P. , 2002 , Anatomofisiologia. Estudos Práticos II. , Lisboa: FMH
Espanha, M.; Silva, P. ; Pascoal, A.; Correia, P. , 2007 , Anatomofisiologia, Tomo I - Sistema osteo-articular , Lisboa: Ed. FMH.
Espanha, M., Correia, P.; Pascoal, A.; Silva, P., & Oliveira, R. , 2007 , Anatomofisiologia Tomo III.Funções da Vida Orgânica Interna , Lisboa: Edições FMH
Jacob; Francone; Lossow , 1990 , Anatomia e Fisiologia Humana , 5ª Edição. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Guanabara Köoga

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The syllabus is taught in the theoretical sessions, practical and theoretical-practical laboratory in which the teacher seeks to interact with students in order to facilitate dialogue and clarification of doubts. To evaluate the field of knowledge is made two written tests (40% x2). Throughout the lessons are being requested works, which represent 20.0% of the final mark awarded to the student. These are subordinate to the themes of the program are presented and evaluated in practical classes. Through the implementation of the work is intended to stimulate demand for sources of information, the structuring of knowledge and oral communication skills.