Subject: Study of the Environment V

Scientific Area:

Environment Studies


63 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Develop the ability to systematically research and organize knowledge about the natural sciences;
2 - Understand the interdisciplinary character of experimental science teaching;
3 - Know concepts and theories of the natural sciences, and how they manifest themselves in daily life;
4 - Understand the interrelationship of biological sciences with society and technology in explaining natural phenomena;
5 - Train analysis of problems, risks, costs and benefits of alternative solutions;
6 - Understand the legal and ethical responsibilities for student welfare, animal care as well as for the maintenance and disposal of materials;
7 - Develop scientific curiosity;
8 - Treinar o pensamento crítico, recorrendo a várias fontes de informação para a explicação dos fenómenos do meio envolvente;
9 - Perform practical activities that mobilize knowledge of the Biological Sciences, adapting them to the cognitive level of students and the OCEPE and the programs of the 1st and 2nd CEB.


1 - Levels of biological organization
1.1 - molecular organization;
1.2 - The cell: basic unit of life;
2 - Diversity in ecosystems
2.1 - Biodiversity - sustainability and resilience of ecosystems;
2.2 - Characterization of the major kingdoms of living things:
2.2.1 - Monera, Fungi and Protistas - general characterization, ecosystems and biotechnology;
2.2.2 - Plantae e Animalia - evolution, diversity, anatomy and general physiology;
3 - Genetics and heredity
3.1 - Main chemical molecules;
3.2 - Character transmission and species evolution;
3.3 - Genetic diseases and environment;
4 - Main energy procurement processes
4.1 - Photosynthesis - characterization, CO2 fixation and O2 production;
4.2 - Fermentation - principles and importance in biotechnology;
4.3 - Cellular respiration - the importance of oxygen for life;
5 - Ecology and population dynamics
5.1 - Energy flows and cycles of matter;
5.2 - Trophic levels and sustainable resource management;
5.3 - Man as an ecological agent.


Amabis, J. M., Martho, G. R. , 2004 , Biologia das populações , São Paulo: Editora Moderna
Begon M., Towsend, C. R. & Harper, J. L. , 2006 , Ecology: from individuals to ecosystems , Malden: Blackwell.
Campbell, N. A. & Reece. J. B. , 2004 , Biology , Menlo Park: Benjamin/Cummings.
Hickman, C. P., Roberts, L. S. & Larson, A. , 2004 , Integrated Principles of Zoology , New York City: Mc Graw-Hill.
Jones, K. C. & Gaudin, A. J. , 2000 , Introdução à Biologia , Lisboa: Fundação Gulbenkian
Odum, E. , 1997 , Fundamentos de Ecologia , Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
Raven, P. H., Evert, R. F. & Eichhorn, S. E. , 2005 , Biology of plants , New York: W. H. Freeman
Sacarrão, G. F. , 1991 , Ecologia e biologia do ambiente , Mem-Martins: Publicações Europa-América
Silva, L., Ojeda Land, E., Rodrígues Luengo, J. L. , 2008 , Flora e Fauna Terrestre Invasoras na Macaronésia, Açores, Madeira e Canarias , Ponta Delgada: ARENA
Wilson, E. O. , 1984 , A Diversidade da Vida. Ciência Aberta , Lisboa: Gradiva

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The classes will be developed with the explanation of the theoretical contents and practical activities. This combination of methodologies will allow the student to obtain the theoretical framework necessary for the execution of practical activities. Practical activities include field work, laboratory and experimental activities and document analysis, enhancing the student's active participation in the learning process. Moments of presentation and brainstorming will be developed, where role playing activities will play an important role for the analysis of social situations and the development of personal and professional ethics. The themes will be approached in interaction, valuing the global analysis of the subjects under study in accordance with the CTS guidelines. The evaluation will consist of two individual written tests - theoretical component (50%); a laboratory notebook with the activities performed (25%); oral presentation and presentation of group research (25%).