Subject: Visual Arts

Scientific Area:

Plastic Expression


63 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Understand the evolution of graphic - expressive language in children, in order to provide adequate didactic and pedagogical attitudes within the educational practice.
2 - Develop, train and sensitize students in the field of individual expression and creativity, with a view to complementing their formative process, as future teachers or agents of the educational process.
3 - Provide educational experiences and practices with a view to assimilating didactic / pedagogical attitudes and habits in the field of plastic expression teaching, inserted in the context of basic education.
4 - Increase aspects of visual communication inherent to the plastic language, such as means of relationship, information and aesthetic awareness of the environment.
5 - Provide knowledge in the field of plastic language and possible relationships with other artistic languages.


1 - Education for Art.
1.1 - The materialization of the plastic form as a means of communication / expression and education in an educational posture and didactic character in the field of education through art.
2 - Languages and artistic expression.
2.1 - Plastic expression and other areas of expression. Relations and symbioses.
3 - The plastic language.
3.1 - Structural elements of visual language: -Point, line, plane, volume. -Form / shape, size, texture, color.
4 - The Evolution of Graphic Expression in Children. (classification and characterization)
4.1 - The different stages of children's artistic expression, from the first graphic manifestations until the age of pre-adolescence. - the scrawl - the pre-schematic. - the schematic. - the Realism.
4.2 - Formal features of plastic child expression: - the ideographic design. - transparencies. - bending in the topological space. - the affective perspective. - the humanization of the elements.
4.3 - Formal and chromatic analogies between aspects of different artistic languages and children's art: Naïf art.
5 - Methods, techniques, materials, and bidimensional modeling.
5.1 - Drawing and painting: Monochrome, polychrome.
5.2 - Dry and wet media.
5.3 - Processes of graphic reproduction: printing of inked, positive and negative two-dimensional surfaces.
5.4 - Digitinta / monotype / multiple production.
6 - Methods and techniques of representation and three-dimensional modeling
6.1 - The volume / relief.
6.2 - direct modeling and indirect modeling.
6.3 - The molding: - positive and negative in volume.


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Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The methodological development of the course Artistic Expression I, consider two aspects: - the training of scientific and technical level of knowledge of plastic language and exploration of techniques and materials that contribute to the educational and pedagogical training in monitoring of children, particularly in activities of nature plastic - expressive. The study of visual grammar inherent in the plastic language should be accompanied by documentation related to artistic expression in later childhood. The Artistic Expression I, open space for research to critical analysis and observation of attitudes and behaviors at the level of artistic expression in children of different age levels and to the experimentation of knowledge in the theoretical- practical level , through proposals submitted by teacher, upplemented with occasional field trips. The evaluation will have a recurrent (tests and / or