Subject: Introduction to Professional Practice IV

Scientific Area:

Initiation to Professional Practice


43 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Analyse the specific characteristics of the professional performance profile of the 1st CEB.
2 - Know the programs related to the 3rd and 4th years of schooling.
3 - Recognize organization's assumptions and classroom management: properties and characteristics.
4 - Identify quality practices in pedagogical interventions.
5 - To promote the capacity of the pedagogical relationship with the educational community.
6 - Develop skills in observation, planning of pedagogical intervention and evaluation.
7 - Analyse pedagogical practices, updated scientific and pedagogical knowledge.
8 - Explore assessment devices for student learning.
9 - Develop reflection skills on professional practice and other aspects related to Education.
10 - Conscientialize the importance of collaborative culture in teaching work.
11 - Use the e-portfolio as an educational and evaluation tool.
12 - Know the legal support underlying the teaching performance.


1 - Curricular Organization Curricular Goals and Programs of the 1st Cycle of Basic Education of the 3rd and 4th year of schooling
2 - Colaboration and Education
2.1 - Requirements and Complexities
2.2 - Teacher collaboration and personal and professional development
2.3 - Teamwork
2.4 - Collaborative action research
3 - The dimensions of the pedagogical relationship in the intervention with the educational community
3.1 - Contributions from the Ecological Perspective of Human Development to the Teaching Process Learning
4 - Organization and Management of the classroom
4.1 - Classroom environments: physical space and relational space
4.2 - Intervention strategies with students within the classroom
4.2.1 - Pedagogical models
4.2.2 - Differentiation of pedagogy
4.2.3 - Cooperative learning
4.2.4 - Group dynamics
4.2.5 - Educational / pedagogical materials ? construction
5 - Assessment
5.1 - Observation of pedagogical contexts in 1st CEB classes
5.2 - Assessment of learning
5.2.1 - Evaluation models
6 - Journal and records: a reflexive approach to practice
7 - The portfolio as an instrument of learning and evaluation: definition; purposes; goals; assumptions, advantages and disadvantages; construction/operation; rating criteria
8 - Legal support under the 1st CEB and the teaching performance at this level of education (national and regional legislation)
9 - Education in the 21st century: Profile of teachers and Profile of students leaving compulsory schooling
9.1 - Project of autonomy and curricular flexibility of basic and secondary education


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Altet, M. , 2000 , Análise das Práticas dos Professores e das Situações Pedagógicas , Porto: Porto Editora
Amado, J. S. , 2001 , Interação pedagógica e indisciplina na aula , Edições ASA, Porto
Antunes, C. , 2007 , Professores e professauros ? Reflexões sobre a aula e práticas pedagógicas diversas , Brasil: Editora Vozes
Roldão, M. C. , 2009 , Estratégias de Ensino. O saber e o agir do professor , Vila Nova de Gaia: Fundação Manuel Leão
Perrenoud, P. , 2001 , Porquê construir competências a partir da escola? Desenvolvimento da autonomia e luta contra as desigualdades , Porto: Asa
Lopes, J.; Silva, H. S. , 2010 , O professor faz a diferença. Na aprendizagem dos alunos. Na realização escolar dos alunos. No sucesso dos alunos , Lisboa: Lidel - Edições Técnicas Lda.
J. formosinho , 2007 , O currículo uniforme pronto a vestir de tamanho único , Edições Pedago
G. Oliveira Martins et al. , 2017 , Perfil dos alunos à saída da escolaridade obrigatória , DGE
Afonso, C., Laranjeiro, M. A. & Sousa, J. , 2008 , Portefólio, uma ferramenta de apoio à reflexão continuada. , DGIDC

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
- Verbal presentation and clarification of concepts; - Reading and analysis of texts; - Reflection on program content in large and small group or in pairs. - Planning of observations; - Implementation / Educational intervention in schools of the 1st cycle; - Debates and communications of group work; - Video viewing and analysis; - Construction of educational materials pedagogical bag? (didactic, interactive); - Elaboration of an e-portfolio in pairs or in groups. RATING CRITERIA . Assiduity, punctuality, commitment and responsibility - 10%; . Construction of a pedagogical bag - 20% (15% product, 5% presentation); . Student performance in the context of elementary school - 20%; . E-Reflective portfolio on practical intervention - 50%.