Subject: Portuguese IV

Scientific Area:



63 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Reflecting on the configuration of the literary field in the literature for childhood
2 - Distinguish literary modes and genres
3 - Promote reading and representation strategies
4 - Apply the knowledge acquired in real teaching-learning situations to the student community


1 - Literature: theoretical contributions to a definition
1.1 - Legitimating forms
2 - The art of telling: Narrative mode genres
3 - Poetry and music of the word: Genres of Lyric mode
4 - The art of representing by the word: Dramatic Genres
5 - Reading Techniques
5.1 - Adequacy of voice placement and breathing
5.2 - Gestures, intonations and physiognomic modeling
5.3 - Porting, movement, body expression and mimetic expression


AAVV , 2003 , A Criança, a Língua e o Texto Literário , Instituto de Estudos da Criança da Universidade do Minho
ALBUQUERQUE, F , 2000 , A Hora do Conto , Teorema.
AZEVEDO, F. (Coord.). , 2006 , Língua Materna e Literatura Infantil. Elementos Nucleares para Professores do Ensino Básico , LIDEL
AZEVEDO, F. (Coord.). , 2007 , Formar Leitores, Das Teorias às Práticas , LIDEL
BASTOS, Glória , 2005 , A leitura como jogo: explorações do texto dramático , Caminho
BASTOS, Glória , 2006 , O Teatro para Crianças em Portugal: história e Crítica , Caminho
COELHO, Nelly Novaes , 2012 , O conto de fadas : símbolos, mitos, arquétipos , Vega, D.L
COSTA, Maria José , 2002 , Um Continente Poético Esquecido. As Rimas Infantis , Porto Editora
GOMES, José António , 1993 , A Poesia na Literatura Portuguesa para a Infância , Asa
GOMES, José António, RAMOS, Ana Margarida, REIS, Sara. , Panorama Histórico do Teatro para Crianças em Português (s. XX) ,
AAVV , 2007 , Revista Malasartes , Cadernos de Literatura para a Infância e a Juventude, no 15 Investigação e literatura infantil

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The classes will combine the theoretical and practical components. The theoretical exposition will be consolidated with practical work. Analysis and synthesis activities will be carried out in order to jointly discuss, share ideas and discuss issues related to the syllabus of the curricular unit. The classes will have a minimum of theoretical approach and will be centralized in the execution of practical exercises that aim not only to improve the general objectives and personal skills of the future teacher, but also to develop with creativity the simulation of the classroom situation. The evaluation will consist of a written test (50%) and a theoretical-practical work (40%) with incidence in a work of children's literature illustrative of one of the literary genres studied. Class participation in response to request for readings (10%).