Subject: Introduction to Professional Practice III

Scientific Area:

Initiation to Professional Practice


43 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - GENERAL OBJECTIVES: With this curricular unit, it is intended to privilege the relationship between theory and practice and to help students develop reflexive competences in real and / or simulated contexts. It is also intended to enable them to actively build knowledge through experimentation and reflection. Students will be future educational agents, and must progressively move from a theoretical and referential knowledge to didactic knowledge. Both are the basis of a practical knowledge of educational intervention.

2 - SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: To know the Portuguese curricular organization; To know the  essential Learnings of the first and second years of schooling of the 1st CEB; To know the characteristics of the 1st CEB schools; To know the dynamics and specificities of pedagogical work; Reflect on teaching professionalism; To know and apply methodologies and work dynamics; Plan and make observations in a school context; Plan pedagogical activities.


1 - GENERAL OBJECTIVES With this curricular unit, it is intended to privilege the relationship between theory and practice and to help students develop reflexive competences in real and / or simulated contexts. It is also intended to enable them to actively build knowledge through experimentation and reflection. Students will be future educational agents, and must progressively move from a theoretical and referential knowledge to didactic knowledge. Both are the basis of a practical knowledge of educational intervention.

2 - SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: To know the Portuguese curricular organization; To know the  essential Learnings of the first and second years of schooling of the 1st CEB; To know the characteristics of the 1st CEB schools; To know the dynamics and specificities of pedagogical work; Reflect on teaching professionalism; To know and apply methodologies and work dynamics; Plan and make observations in a school context; Plan pedagogical activities.



  1. Curriculum Organization:  Essential Learnings of the 1st and 2nd Years of Education  
  2. - Pedagogical contexts in 1st CEB classes

2.1               - Observation of the pedagogical action

2.2               - Treatment of data collected by observations

2.3               - Critical reflection on the contexts observed and analyzed

  1. - Organization and Management of the classroom in the 1st Cycle of Basic Education

3.1               - Intervention strategies with students within the classroom: nature of tasks / activities and learning situations

3.2               - Pedagogical differentiation: underlying teaching and learning concepts

3.3               - Cooperative learning and social climate

3.4               - Management of spaces and resources

3.5               - Evaluation of learning in the regulation of the teaching-learning process

- Reflection on action in professional development



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Alves, R. (2002). A escola com que sempre sonhei sem imaginar que pudesse existir, ASA

Amstrong, T. (2001). Inteligências múltiplas na sala de aula., Porto Alegre

Antunes, C. (2005). As inteligências múltiplas e os seus estímulos, ASA

Arends, R. (1995). Aprender a Ensinar, McGraw-Hill.

Bessa, N. & Fontaine, A. (2002). Cooperar para Aprender: Uma introdução à aprendizagem cooperativa, ASA

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Correia, L. (2008). Inclusão e Necessidades Educativas Especiais: Um guia para educadores e professores., Porto Editora

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Estrela, A. (1994). Teoria e Prática de Observação de Classes? Uma estratégia de Formação de Professores, Porto Editora

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Formosinho, J. (2007). O currículo uniforme pronto a vestir de tamanho único, Edições Pedago Lebrun, M. (2008). Teorias e Métodos Pedagógicos para Ensinar e Aprender, Instituto Piaget.

Lopes J. & Silva, H. (2009). A aprendizagem cooperativa na sala de aula. Um guia prático para o

Professor, Lidel - Edições Técnicas Lda.

Lopes J. & Silva, H. (2010). O professor faz a diferença. Na aprendizagem dos alunos. Na realização escolar dos alunos. No sucesso dos alunos, Lidel - Edições Técnicas Lda.

Lopes J. & Silva, H. (2015). Eu, Professor, Pergunto ? 1, Pactor

Lopes J. & Silva, H. (2015). Eu, Professor, Pergunto ? 2, Pactor

Morgado, J. (1999). A relação pedagógica. Diferenciação e inclusão., Editorial Presença

Morgado, J. (2003). Qualidade, Inclusão e Diferenciação. Lisboa, Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada

Perrenoud, P. (1995). Ofício de aluno e sentido do trabalho escolar, Porto Editora

Roldão, M. (2009). Estratégias de Ensino. O saber e o agir do professor, Fundação Manuel Leão

Sousa, A. (2005). Investigação em Educação, Livros Horizonte

Tomlinson, C. (2008). Diferenciação Pedagógica e Diversidade. Ensino de Alunos em Turmas com Diferentes Níveis de Capacidades., Porto Editora

Assesssment methods and criteria:

ACTION PROPOSALS - Verbal presentation and clarification of concepts; Reading and analysis of texts; Reflection on program content in large and small group or in pairs; Planning of observations; Implementation / Educational intervention in schools of the 1st cycle; Debates and communications of group work; Construction and presentation of works in pairs and / or group; Individual elaboration of a reflexive and reasoned commentary on the practical intervention. EVALUATION

? 1. Student performance in the context of primary education (training) ? 20 %

? 2.  Logbook alluding to the traineeship ? 25 %

? 3. Planning of a pedagogical activity ? 15 %

? 4. Presentation of pedagogical activity ? 15 %

? 5. Critical reflection, individual and written, based on theoretical support ? 25 %

The student can recover 60% of the evaluation through the recourse exam.