Subject: Portuguese II

Scientific Area:



63 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1. - This UC aims to improve students scientific knowledge on Portuguese grammar, reinforcing their analytical and descriptive abilities. Furthermore, it aims to promote contact with research studies on children linguistic development, so that students understand how speakers build grammar knowledge. Overall, at the end of this UC students are expected to:
1.1. - identify grammar patterns/regularities - morphological, lexical and semantic domains;
1.2. - acknowledge the importance of corpora-based methodologies, as grammar teaching/learning strategy;
1.3. - know research studies on the development of morphological and lexical awareness in preschool and first grade;
1.4. - apprehend tools of linguistic analysis and specific metalanguage.


1. - Morphology and word classes
1.1. - Word constituents
1.2. - Derivation and composition
1.3. - Open and closed word classes
1.4. - Inflection of nouns, adjectives and verbs
1.5. - The development of morphological awareness
2. - Lexicology and semantics
2.1. - Lexicon and vocabulary
2.2. - Lexical innovation processes
2.3. - The meaning of morphemes
2.4. - Semantic relations among words
2.5. - Temporal, aspect and modal values
2.6. - The development of lexical awareness


Duarte, I. , 2000 , Língua Portuguesa. Instrumentos de Análise , Universidade Aberta
Endruschat, A. & Schmidt-Radefeldt J. , 2015 , Introdução Básica à Linguística do Português , Edições Colibri
Faria, I. H & al. , 1996 , Introdução à Linguística Geral e Portuguesa , Editorial Caminho
Mateus, M. H. M. & al. , 2003 , Gramática da Língua Portuguesa , Editorial Caminho
Rio-Torto, G.; & al. , 2013 , Gramática Derivacional do Português , Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra
Yaguello, Marina , 1991 , Alice no país da linguagem. Para compreender a linguística , Editorial Estampa
Raposo, E.; Nascimento, M.F.; Mota, M.A.; Segura, L.; Mendes, A. , 2013 , Gramática do Português , Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
Villalva, A. , 2008 , Morfologia do Português , Universidade Aberta

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Classification Type: Quantitative (0-20) Final classification results of the average values obtained from two written tests, each corresponding to 50% of the final grade. Exams are equivalent to 100%. As to methodology, theoretical-practical sessions can take different forms, namely (i) dialogued presentation of contents; (ii) corpora observation; (iii) research on studies in the field; (iv) training exercises; (v) mobilization of acquired knowledge, through documental analysis.