Subject: Portuguese I

Scientific Area:



63 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1. - In this UC, students will begin with the study of basic principles and concepts of language and grammar, followed by the improvement of their scientific knowledge in the field of phonetics and phonology, focusing on the importance of phonological knowledge to the process of language learning. These learnings are fundamental for all professionals in the field of education, particularly future teachers. Overall, at the end of this UC students are expected to:
1.1. - understand concepts such as implicit and explicit linguistic knowledge and linguistic awareness;
1.2. - acknowledge differences between linguistic norm and variation;
1.3. - identify phonetic and phonological characteristics of Portuguese;
1.4. - relate the development of phonological awareness with learning to read and write;
1.5. - apprehend tools of linguistic analysis and specific metalanguage.


1. - Language and Grammar
1.1. - Linguistic knowledge
1.2. - Norm and variation
1.3. - Linguistic awareness
2. - Phonetics and Phonology of Portuguese
2.1. - From noise to the sounds of speech
2.2. - Phones and phonemes
2.2.1. - Vowels
2.2.2. - Consonants
2.2.3. - Semivowels
2.3. - From syllables to words
2.3.1. - Syllabic structures
2.3.2. - Word stress
2.3.3. - Words and pseudowords
2.4. - Phonological processes
2.5. - Phonological acquisition and development
2.5.1. - Phonological awareness


Costa, J., Cabral, A., Santiago, A. & Viegas, F. , 2011 , Conhecimento explícito da língua , ME/DGIDC
Duarte, I. , 2000 , Língua Portuguesa - Instrumentos de análise , Universidade Aberta
Freitas, M. J. & Santos, A. L. , 2001 , Contar histórias de sílabas , Colibri/APP
Freitas, M. J., Alves, D. & Costa, T. , 2007 , O conhecimento da língua - Desenvolver a consciência fonológica , ME/DGIDC
Freitas, M. J., Castelo, A., Rodrigues, C. & Costa, T. , 2012 , Os sons que estão dentro das palavras. , Colibri/APP
Gonçalves, M. , 2008 , Fonética e Fonologia do Português , Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Raposo, E.; Nascimento, M.F.; Mota, M.A.; Segura, L.; Mendes, A. , 2013 , Gramática do Português , Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
As to methodology, theoretical-practical sessions can take different forms, namely (i) dialogued presentation of contents; (ii) corpora observation; (iii) research on studies in the field; (iv) training exercises; (v) mobilization of acquired knowledge, through documental analysis. Classification Type: Quantitative (0-20) Final classification results of the average values obtained from two written tests, each corresponding to 50% of the final grade. Exams are equivalent to 100%.