Subject: Study of the Environment I

Scientific Area:

Environment Studies


63 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Develop the capacity to investigate, construct and organize knowledge about the local and global environment systematically;
2 - Rethink the relationship between human populations and the environment holistically;
3 - Critically look the medium in its relations with the different physical, social and cultural spaces;
4 - Deepen concrete social problems, articulating perspectives of different social sciences;
5 - Train critical thinking about the relationship between current and past events and processes;
6 - Identify natural, social and technological elements of the surrounding environment and their interrelationships;
7 - Know the RAM's geo-biophysical and human characteristics;
8 - Respect his/hers natural and cultural heritage;
9 - Value the socio-cultural roots's identity, respecting other peoples and other cultures;
10 - To carry out practical activities that mobilize ecological and anthropological knowledge, making them compatible with the students' cognitive development and with the OCEPE and the 1st and 2nd CEB programs.


1 - Introduction: methods and techniques of investigation applicable to the study of social environment.
2 - Social environment and study of the social environment: an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary view of man-environment interactions.
3 - Study of the environment as a method of discovery and construction of knowledge.
4 - The fundamental concepts of the social system.
5 - Society, external patterns of behaviour, conceptual patterns of behavior, social roles, social processes.
6 - Basic factors of social explanation: theories, the physical environment and culture.
7 - Dimensions of social analysis of the interactions between human populations and the environment in the context of the Madeira archipelago.
8 - Characterization of the human component of R.A.M.
9 - Processes of identity structuring.
10 - Social attitudes towards ethnic and cultural diversity.


Berger, P.L. & Luckman, T. , 2010 , A construção social da realidade , Lisboa: Dinalivro
Campenhoudt, L. V. , 2003 , Introdução à Análise dos Fenómenos Sociais. , Lisboa: Gradiva
Carapeto, C. , 2004 , Fundamentos de ecologia , Lisboa: Universidade Aberta
Fortuna, C. (Org.) , 1997 , Cidade, cultura e globalização , Oeiras: Celta Editora
Franco, J. E. & Trindade, C. (Eds) , 2015 , Que saber(es) para o Séc. XXI - História, Cultura e Ciência na Madeira , Lisboa: Esfera do Caos Editora
Lamy, M. , 2001 , Introduction à L?Écologie Humaine , Paris: Ellipses Édition
Nepomuceno, R. , 2006 , A conquista da Autonomia da Madeira - Os conflitos dos Sécs. XIX e XX. , Lisboa: Editorial Caminho
Oliveira, P. , 2005 , A Reinvenção da Ilha da Madeira: Ludificação do território e retorno à natureza. , Lisboa: Fórum Sociológico
Pereira, H. M. (Ed.) , 2009 , Ecossistemas e bem-estar humano , Lisboa: Escolar Editora
Silvano, F. , 2001 , Antropologia do Espaço. Uma Introdução , Oeiras: Celta Editora

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The methodology followed is based on a constructivist perspective of learning, and through the program content, it will be possible to provide new knowledge and to organize the knowledge that the students already have in relation to the social environment. Parallel to the theoretical component of the classes, for the concepts presentation or expansion worked on the main programmatic contents, there will be a practical component. So the students will be led to develop a reflection, individual or in group, about the theoretical knowledge and to share it with the large group. They will also carry out activities of research, analysis and interpretation of texts and data, and will participate in the critical discussion thereof. The evaluation will consist of a frequency, a group work and its oral presentation and participation in classes, with a weighting of 30%, 40%, 20% and 10%, respectively, in the final classification. For those not aproved, the exam in the Appeal Time represents 100%