Subject: Business Strategy

Scientific Area:



48 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - The aim is to present students with various perspectives related to the different concepts, principles and guidelines of the strategy and to highlight the importance of this activity in the sustainable development of the company, as well as order the decisions and actions that aim to provide the client with more value than the competitors. It also aims to endow students with knowledge related to the development of business strategy, aligning culture, people and structure with strategy. The tools studied and the knowledge acquired will enable the students to assimilate the changes in the external environment and the impact that can cause to the company, and also to understand the transformations that occur in the internal level, that enable to create competitive advantages. Consequently, students will be able to identify the mechanisms for forming the strategy, characterize the strategies followed by the company, use the theoretical tools and perform research, analysis and discussion.


1 - I. Introduction to Business Strategy
1.1 - The nature of the strategy and its characteristics.
1.2 - Concept of strategy
1.3 - Evolution of strategic thinking.
2 - Formulation of the Strategy.
2.1 - Vision, mission, values and goals
2.2 - Strategic analysis.
2.2.1 - Analysis of the external environment
2.2.2 - PESTLE Analysis
2.2.3 - Construction of scenarios
2.2.4 - Structural analysis of the competitive context: Porter's five forces
2.3 - Analysis of the internal environment
2.3.1 - Audit of resources
2.3.2 - SWOT Analysis
2.4 - Classification of strategies
3 - The Implementation of the Strategy
3.1 - Organizational structure
3.2 - Evaluation of the strategy
3.3 - Leadership
3.4 - Communication of the strategy


Johnson, G., Whittington, R., Scholes, K., Angwin, D., Regner, P. , 2017 , Exploring Stategy: Text and Cases , Pearson
Grant, R. M. , 2016 , Contemporary Strategy Analysis , Wiley & Sons
Harrison, J. S., St. John, C. H , 2014 , Foundations in Strategic Management , Cencage
Evans, N. G. , 2016 , Sustainable competitive advantage in tourism organizations: A strategic model applying servisse dominant logic and tourism?s defining characteristics. Tourism Management Perspectives ,
Neugebauer, F., Figge, F., Hahn, T. , 2016 , Planned or emergent strategy making? Exploring the formation of corporate sustainability strategies. Business Strategy and The Environment ,

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The methodology is centered in the exposition and discussion of the programmatic contents and analysis of real cases. Students should present their group work in the classroom, which will enhance participation and debate. Consequently, students are expected to understand the concepts and theoretical tools and their applicability to business contexts. The assessment consists of an exam, with a value of 60% of the assessment, and the performance of a group work with an oral presentation to the class, with a value of 40% of the assessment. The Re-sit Exame will be a 100% written exam.