Subject: Entrepreneurship

Scientific Area:

Scientific, Cultural, Social and Ethical Formation


64 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Present, analyse and discuss the different definitions of entrepreneurship.
2 - Assess the entrepreneurship evolution as an area of research.
3 - Characterize the Entrepreneur.
4 - Assess the importance of the entrepreneurial environment.
5 - Characterize the entrepreneurial activity in Portugal.
6 - Study and comprehend the entrepreneurial process.
7 - Encourage students to search, recognize and evaluate a business opportunities.
8 - Develop competences in the elaboration and presentation of a Business plan.


1 - Entrepreneurship
2 - The Entrepreneur
3 - Entrepreneurial Activity
4 - Entrepreneurial Process
5 - Myths in Entrepreneurship
6 - Business Plan
7 - Practical exercise: Elaboration, presentation and evaluation of a business plan.


'S' Sarkar , 2007 , Empreendedorismo e Inovação , Escolar Editora
Costa, H. e P. Ribeiro , Criação & gestão de micro­empresas & pequenos negócios , Lidel. Ferreira
Ferreira, M., Serra, F., Santos, J. , 2010 , Ser Empreendedor - Pensar, Criar e Moldar a nova Empresa , Edições Sílabo: Lisboa
Nielsen, S., Klyver, K., Evald, M. and Bager, T. , 2012 , Entrepreneurship in Theory and Practice: Paradoxes in play , Edward Elgar: Cheltenham

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The syllabus contents are covered in lectures (which provide and discuss the theoretical principles of the syllabus) and theoretical-practical (through interactive lessons, fostered by intense and valuable participation of students, being used teaching cases developed by internationally renowned schools in the Entrepreneurship education, in particular the Babson College). The evaluation consists of two elements: a written exam (50%) and practical group work (50%), both with a minimum grade of 7.00 values. At the time of recurso/especial or melhoria exams, the evaluation criteria are maintained, giving the student the opportunity to recover or improve only the grade of the written test.