Subject: Design Project II
Scientific Area:
96 Hours
Number of ECTS:
Overall objectives:
1 - Improve the student's ability to generate technical, aesthetic and formal solutions in response to the needs expressed through a brief/program/request given by a real client (e.g. local and/or national enterprises, organisations, public sector organs).
2 - Create external links with the social, economic and productive contexts of Madeira Island, and allow students to tackle and manage real project constraints originated by the client context of reference.
3 - Integrate and operate arguments as budgetary, legal, environmental, competitive and cultural issues through a multidisciplinary practice, adaptation and optimization of technical and production processes.
4 - Cover the creation of artefacts, systems or services, the corporate image and external communication, according to a logic process of integrated design in interaction with the client.
1 - Debates on actions budgetary, legal, environmental, competitive and cultural issues are integrated through a multidisciplinary practice, adaptation and optimization of technical and production processes. This design practice considers the creation of artefacts, systems or services, the corporate image and external communication, according to a logical process of interaction and confrontation with the client and his needs. From the HCD Human-Centred Design methodology & toolkit, the "how to":
1.1 - Understand and verify the desirability, economical viability and technical feasibility of a design solution;
1.2 - Prototype a product, service or system;
1.3 - Validate the design solution in the real context, from the perspective of both the technical feasibility and economical viability (e.g. business plan).
2 - Design for Social Innovation: Design for well-being and Design for Sustainable Development.
G. JULIER , 2008 , The culture of design , SAGE
R. MURRAY, J. CAULIER-GRICE, G. MULGAN , 2010 , The Open Book of Social Innovation , Nesta
M. STICKDORN, J. SCHNEIDE , 2010 , This Is Service Design Thinking , BIS Publisher
BERTOLA P., MANZINI E , 2004 , Design multiverso. Appunti di fenomenologia del design , Poli.Design
BUCHANAN, R , 1992 , Wicked problems in design thinking. , Design Issues
IDEO , 2014 , Human-Centred Design Toolkit, 2nd Edition , IDEO
BERTOLA, P. & TEIXERA, J. C. , 2003 , Design as a knowledge agent. How design as a knowledge process is embedded into organizations to foster innovation , Design Studies
G. Mulgan , Social Innovation: what it is, why it matters and how it can be accelerated , Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship
Assesssment methods and criteria:
Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)
Evaluation Methodology:
It is founded on the development of several proj.(Learning-by-Doing approach)through the monitoring by the teacher and the periodic confrontation with the identified client. The collaborative learning approach based on sharing knowledge, tools and results in class and online promote a critical and constructive environment for discussion and comparison of different solutions at different times of the project. The evaluation is continuous and based on the development of assigned projects. The final grade is made of a 20% or 25% component for continuous evaluation (individual) and a 80% or 75% one for projects. These 80% or 75% are divided on 2 to max 4 moments of evaluation, that can value differently according to the type of proposed projects. This CU follows the Model C of the UMa Student Evaluation Regulation (including deadlines).The attendance is required of minimum 75% of the total number of lessons. Working students should attend at least 50%of the lessons in order to be evaluated