Subject: Photography and Video Practices
Scientific Area:
Art Sciences
64 Hours
Number of ECTS:
Overall objectives:
1 - The course aims at giving students a basic understanding of the different languages, the technical aspects and the methodologies of production that enable an integrated and creative use of the audiovisual field. Students are expected to work with reality depiction mediums, fundamental in today?s world, and to focus on both still and moving images.
1 - Digital photography
1.1 - The technical evolution of photography: a brief history.
1.2 - Principles of optics: Lenses and depth field.
1.3 - Principles of lighting: Light, signal, temperature - types of equipment.
1.4 - The photographic process and the digital support.
1.5 - Imagem capture. Functions of the photographic camera.
1.6 - The camera: types and formats.
1.7 - The language of photography: framing and composition.
1.8 - Treating and manipulating the photographic image.
1.9 - Post-production and digital tools. Working with Adobe Photoshop
2 - Digital video
2.1 - The technical evolution of cinema and video : a brief history.
2.2 - The moving image: the audiovisual narrative
2.3 - Image capture. Functions of the video camera
2.4 - The video camera. Types, formats and support equipment.
2.5 - The cinematographic language and the specificity of video.
2.6 - Time, movement, sequence. Fixed and moving camera.
2.7 - Audio. The relation between sound and image.
2.8 - Editing and non-linear edition. Working with Adobe Premiere
ANG, Tom , 2015 , Introdução à fotografia digital , Civilização Editores
ANG, Tom , 2006 , Introdução ao vídeo digital , Civilização Editores
ANTUNES, José , 2005 , Manual da Fotografia Digital , Porto Editora
ARCANI, Antonio , 1983 , A fotografia, as formas, os objectos, o homem , Edições 70
BARTHES, Roland , 2017 , A Câmara Clara. Nota sobre a fotografia , Edições 70
BENJAMIN, Walter , 1992 , O Narrador: Reflexões sobre a obra de Nikolai Leskov , Relógio de Água
BENJAMIN, Walter , 1992 , Pequena História da Fotografia , Relógio de Água
BERGER, John , 1982 , Modos de ver , Edições 70
BONET, Eugeni , 1980 , En torno al video , Gustavo Gili
CHESHIRE, David , 1982 , Manual de cinematografia , Blume
COMPARATO, John , 1998 , Da Criação ao Guião , Pergaminho
DUNN, Jason R. , 2003 , Video Digital , McGraw-Hill Portugal
FLUSSER, Vilém , 1998 , Ensaio Sobre a Fotografia. Para uma Filosofia da Técnica , Relógio de Água
JOURNOT, M-T. , 2005 , Vocabulário de Cinema , Edições 70
LANGFORD, Michael , 1979 , Fotografia Básica , Dinalivro
LANGFORD, Michael , 1980 , Fotografia Passo a Passo , Publiclub
LANGFORD, Michael , 1993 , Guia prático de fotografia , Circulo dos Leitores
ROSEN, Frederic W. , 1986 , Filmar com câmara vídeo , Presença
SOUGEZ, Marie-Loup , 2001 , História da Fotografia , Dinalivro
SOUSA, Rocha de , 1992 , Ver e Tornar Visível , Universidade Aberta
TAUSK, Peter , 1978 , Historia de la fotografía en el siglo XX , Gustavo Gili
Assesssment methods and criteria:
Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)
Evaluation Methodology:
The course is both theoretical and practical. Theory-based classes include the screening of images, films and diagrams, and when appropriate, bibliographic references. Practical exercises may be done individually or in a group. All activities are proposed and supervised by a teacher. Assessment and grading follow model D as described in Regulation for the Evaluation of Student Learning at the University of Madeira. Marks are determined after the examination of two projects and an essay. Relevant extra-curriculum activities carried out by the student during the semestre are also considered in the final grade. Grade appeals will have an effect on 30% of the final grade. Elements of Assessment: Continuous Assessment (10%). Periodic Evaluation: Module of Photography (30%); Theoretical module (30%); Video Module (30%).