Subject: History of Contemporary Art

Scientific Area:

Art Sciences


64 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Understand, through a panoramic view, the major artistic events of the second half of the twentieth century until the present, both in Europe and the U.S. As well as the Portuguese context, framed within a broader historical and cultural context.
2 - Understand and analyze works of art in the context of History of Contemporary Art.
3 - Participate actively in the debate on the various contemporary artistic phenomena.
4 - Autonomous research revealing critical attitude towards the information available.


1 - Concepts and contexts of History of Contemporary Art. Historical background: 1945-1968-1989. The post-war society and the migration of artistic centers.
2 - Abstractionism in painting and sculpture from the second half of the twentieth century.
3 - The minimalism. The International Style: functionalism and rationalism in architecture, from Bauhaus to the 50s.
4 - The 60s: the crisis of representation and the expanded concept of art. From the figurative to the new realism.
5 - Deviations of minimalism: the post-minimalist practices.
6 - The main phenomena and artistic trends in the 70, 80 and 90 (in architecture and art).
7 - Art and new media.


M Rush , 2001 , New Media in Late 20th-Century , Thames and Hudson
AA. VV. , 2010 , A Nova História da Arte de Janson. A Tradição Ocidental. , Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
PEREIRA, Paulo (dir.) , 1995 , História da Arte Portuguesa , Lisboa, Círculo de Leitores
G. A. Bailey , 2014 , Arte in time. A world History of Styles and Movements , Phaidon Press
I. Nogueira , 2013 , Artes Plásticas e crítica em Portugal nos anos 70 e 80: vanguarda e Pós-modernismo , Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.
BELL, Julian , 2009 , O Espelho do Mundo. Uma Nova História da Arte , Orfeu Negro
GYMPEL, Jan , 2000 , História da Arquitectura. Da antiguidade aos nossos dias , Könemann Verlagsgesellschaft mbH
LUCIE­SMITH, Edward , 2001 , Movements in art since 1945: issues and concepts , Thames and Hudson

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
1. Expository and Explanatory methods: By PowerPoint presentations (images, timelines, diagrams, schematics, etc.), texts, audiovisual materials and online resources. 2. Dialogical method: Through discussion of ideas and reasoning of various contents. 3. Active method: Based on research and independent student work, resulting in the presentation in class the themes developed in the Course. EVALUATION oral presentations (none of which will exceed 50%), through which the student must demonstrate the knowledge acquired during the semester; and two written tests (none of which shall exceed 50%). Continuous assessment: participation in class, development of group work and attendance (10%).