Subject: Classical Civilizations and Cultures

Scientific Area:



64 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Understanding the value of knowing and studying the Classical Civilizations today
2 - Identify and know how to explain the legacy of classical culture
3 - Know the main historical moments from antiquity
4 - Identify and explain the main characteristics of Greek Civilization
5 - Being able to interpret some texts of Greek Literature
6 - Identify and explain the main features of Roman Civilization
7 - Being able to interpret some texts of Latin Literature
8 - Key skills to develop: Capacity for critical analysis of texts from Classical Literature
9 - Understanding the value of classical civilizations and their legacy in Western culture
10 - Capacity comparison text and cultures
11 - Historical consciousness, through the study of some creative and modular forms (epic, drama, empire ...)


1 - Introduction.
1.1 - What is meant by Classical Civilizations and Cultures?
1.2 - The transmission of Classical Culture.
2 - The Greek World.
2.1 - Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations;
2.2 - The caracteristic elements of the eighth century BC;
2.3 - The Homeric Poems: caracteristics of the epic gender; myth and history; the homeric question; the heroic model; the fate; the human condition;
2.4 - Greek society in the seventh and sixth centuries BC: legislators, policy and culture;
2.5 - The Greek polis;
2.6 - The fifth century: review of major events;
2.7 - The Greek theater;
2.8 - The Hellenistic period (synthesis);
2.9 - The contribution of Greek civilization to science;
2.10 - The Greek legacy: arts, sports, literature, law, rhetoric and philosophy.
3 - The Roman World.
3.1 - Introduction to the Roman world;
3.2 - The Rome foundation;
3.3 - The expansion and conquest;
3.4 - The political organization (periods monarchical, republican and imperial);
3.5 - The military and religious institutions;
3.6 - The Roman Empire, the Roman occupation, in particular the Iberian Peninsula;
3.7 - The Fall of the Empire: causes and consequences;
3.8 - The Roman legacy: literature, art, architecture, urbanism, law, society, rhetoric and philosophy;


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DE ROMILLY, Jacqueline , 1999 , A Tragédia Grega, (Trad. de Leonor Santa Bárbara) , Lisboa.
F. Lourenço , 2004 , Grécia Revisitada. Ensaios sobre Cultura Grega , Cotovia
F. Lourenço , 2006 , Poesia Grega de Álcman a Teócrito , Cotovia
F. Lourenço (trad.) , 2003 , Homero.Odisseia , Cotovia
F. Lourenço (trad.) , 2005 , Homero. Ilíada , Cotovia
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J. Pinheiro , 2015 , O retrato de Clitemnestra na Literatura Grega , Edições Húmus
JAEGER, W. , 2001 , Paidéia. A Formação do Homem Grego, (trad. de Artur M. Parreira) , São Paulo
JONES, P. & SIDWELL, K , 2003 , The World of Rome: An Introduction to Roman Culture , Cambridge.
M. H. Rocha Pereira , 2003 , Estudos de História da Cultura Clássica , FCG
MOSSÉ, C. , 1999 , O Cidadão na Grécia Antiga, (trad. de Rosa Carreira) , Lisboa.
RIBEIRO FERREIRA, J. , 1943 , Pólis, , Coimbra.
RIBEIRO FERREIRA, J. , 1996 , Civilizações Clássicas I Grécia , UA
SOBRAL CENTENO, R. (coord.) , 1996 , Civilizações Clássicas II Roma , UA
Boys-Stones, G., Graziosi, B. & Vasunia, P. , 2009 , The Oxford Handbook of Hellenic Studies , OUP
H. Schneider, M. Landfester & H. Cancik (Eds.) , 2010 , Brill's New Pauly. Antiquity , Brill
Cristina Santos Pinheiro , 2011 , Homme de mots, non de chair: Eneias aos olhos de Dido em Les Reines Noires de Jacqueline Kelen, in A. P. Pinto et al. (ed.) Mitos & Heróis: a Expressão do Imaginário , Braga: Aletheia
L. Cerqueira et al. , 2016 , Vergílio. Eneida , Bertrand
M. F. Silva (trad.) , 2001 , Aristófanes. As mulheres que celebram as Tesmofórias , Edições 70
F. Lourenço (trad.) , 1996 , Eurípides. Hipólito , Colibri

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
- Lectures: oral presentations, occasionally using support material (anthology of texts or ensays) employing mainly the analytical method. Assessment methods: Written works (2; 50%+50%): as it allows assessing the knowledge and comprehension of the syllabus. Aditionally allows assessing the written expression, and the competencies to describe, summarize and relate different concepts of the syllabus.