Subject: Community Intervention

Scientific Area:



126 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Understand the bases of the framework of Community Intervention.
2 - Recognize and understand the potential of psychological and sociological perspective in the Community Intervention.
3 - Understand the potential of Anthropological Conception of Freire for Intervention and Community Development.
4 - (Des) build a Community Profile and through it, one Intervention Project.
5 - Understand the potential of Community Intervention in local development policies.
6 - Unveiling the participation of citizens of the territory as a right and a duty exists to social change.
7 - Understand, in general, the principal axes of a philosophy of quality in organizations.


1 - The Community Intervention in psychological and sociological perspective of the action.
2 - The Anthropological Conception of Paulo Freire.
3 - The "Conscientização (Freire)" as problematic and social transformation.
4 - The specifics of Research-Action (Participatory) in the (de) construction of Intervention Projects and Local Participation.
5 - Participatory Project Methodology.
6 - Citizen participation as a factor of social and community change.
7 - The empowerment of the other as a strategy for local development.
8 - The offices of Community Intervention.
9 - Educating Cities.


Banks, Sarah. , 2008 , Utilização de diários como encorajamento à reflexão ética durante o estágio ,
Banks & Kirsten Nohr (Eds.) , Ética Prática para as Profissões do Trabalho Social , Porto: Porto Editora
Freire, Paulo , 1997 , Política e Educação , São Paulo: Editora Cortez
Gómez, José., Freitas, Orlando., & Callejas, Germán. , 2007 , Educação e desenvolvimento local. Perspectivas pedagógicas e sociais da sustentabilidade , Porto: Profedições
Guerra, Isabel. , 2002 , Fundamentos e processos de uma Sociologia de Acção , Estoril: Principia
Guerra, Isabel. , 2006 , Participação e acção colectiva. Interesses, Conflitos e Consensos , Estoril: Principia
Menezes, Isabel , 2010 , Intervenção Comunitária: uma Perspectiva Psicológica , Porto: Livpic / Legis Editora
Trilla, Jaume , 2004 , Animação Sociocultural , Lisboa: Instituto Piaget
Villar, Maria , 2007 , A cidade educadora , Lisboa: Instituto Piaget

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The teaching-learning UC supports the principle of active methodologies, which will be favored by the generative themes of the debate, the sharing of respective (de) construction and content analysis. Expository moments by the teachers present themselves as essential to the framework of the large lines of thought that underlie UC, such as intervention, participation and local development. Based on the principle of problem-based education of Paulo Freire, culture circles for the (de) construction and analysis of generating themes and conducting brainstorming will be enhanced. In the field of evaluation, students should respond positively to the challenges a) Construction of a Project IC (20%) b) Construction and Public Presentation of Training Report (40% / 10%) c) Practice in work context (80 hours) (30%) It is expected a critical attitude towards the fulfillment of the Dublin Descriptors focused on instrumental, interpersonal and systemic competences.