Subject: Leisure and recreation

Scientific Area:

Sport Sciences


63 Hours

Number of ECTS:

7,5 ECTS



Overall objectives:

1 - To match the current demands and needs raised by the contemporary society, in particular those which relate to the free time and to the new activities within it can occur, the discipline of Leisure and Recreation, presents a set of contents both theoretical and practical, which aim to provide the students with a body of skills in the perspective of an effective intervention within a society which tend to be more sedentary. The growing pressure of urbanization, the aging of the population, as well as the growth of free time, are some of the factors that justify the existence of a discipline that help us to understand the growing need and importance of the healthy occupation of free time, regardless of the domain or activity selected by the citizen. In this context, is not negligible the great importance that the physical activities and sports have as leisure activities for excellence.


1 - Theoretical and practical contents
1.1 - The structural and functional changes of civilization
1.2 - The growth of free time
1.3 - Free time versus leisure time
1.4 - The need to educate for leisure
1.5 - leisure as a symbol of social welfare
1.6 - The influence and power of transformation in lifestyle induced by leisure
1.7 - The importance of PAs and sports as forms of recreation for excellence
1.8 - The concept of physical activity during leisure time and primary motivations for the practice
1.9 - The industrial revolution and the understanding to a valorization of the personal life
1.10 - Work as a terminal value, transformed into an instrumental value
1.11 - The concept of leisure and semi-leisure activities
1.12 - The three functions of leisure: Rest, fun and personal development
1.13 - The definition of leisure according Dumazdier
1.14 - Definitions and holistic conceptions of leisure
2 - Presentations and discussions of topics related to leisure
3 - Seminars - Practical Implementation of recreational projects


Kasing, G. , 2006 , Introduction to Recreation and Leisure , Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers
Camargo, L. O , 1998 , Educação para o Lazer , São Paulo: Editora Moderna
Graef, A.; Parker, S. , 1987 , Recreation and Leisure: An Introductory Handbook. , Oxford: Venture Publishing, Inc.
Marcelino, N. C. , 1995 , Lazer: Formação e Atuação Profissional , São Paulo: Papirus Editora
Mota, J. , 1997 , A Actividade Física no Lazer , Lisboa: Livros Horizonte
Mull, R.; Bayless, K.; Ross, C.; Jamiesson, L. , 1997 , Recreational Sport Management , Champaign, Il: Human Kinetics Publishers
Shivers, J. S.; deLisle, L.J. , 1997 , The Story of Leisure : Context, Concepts, and Current Controversy , Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The syllabus is taught in theoretical-practical and practical laboratory sessions. Within the framework of the seminars, comprise a leisure project built in Group and applied in practice. Students will be assessed in three times and different aspects: theoretical Frequency (25%) Project/programme of leisure + activity report (35%) Presentation of theoretical-practical work during lessons (40%) In order to be approved, students must have a minimum of 50% in each of the three components of assessment. Students organized into groups of 4 to 6 elements, prepare in a weekly basis, a collective presentation, about some of these themes: Virtues, potential and possibilities of parks, recreation and leisure. Philosophy and leisure. Leisure and recreation for individuals in society. Service delivery systems at leisure. The voluntary sector of leisure. Leisure and recreation along the spectrum of life (from the young to the elderly).