Subject: Education and Multiculturalism

Scientific Area:



63 Hours

Number of ECTS:

7,5 ECTS



Overall objectives:

1 - Understand the socio-cultural dynamics of contemporary societies;
2 - Know the theoretical frameworks of monoculturalism and multiculturalism;
3 - Recognize the migratory phenomena of contemporaneity;
4 - Relate culture, identity and otherness;
5 - Discuss the monoculturalism in culturally diverse contexts;
6 - Recognize the implications of theoretical frameworks in educational practices;
7 - Deconstructing stereotypes and prejudices;
8 - Know the principles of Intercultural Education recommended by UNESCO;
9 - Analyse educational policies that encourage intercultural dialogue;
10 - Analyse projects and multicultural education practices.


1 - Globalization and cultural diversity;
2 - Monoculturalism and multiculturalism;
3 - Migratory phenomena, blurring boundaries and miscegenation;
4 - Self and Other; Identity and Difference; the we;
5 - Culture and cultural identity;
6 - Cultural Studies;
7 - Popular culture;
8 - Inclusion and inclusive education;
9 - Equity and social justice;
10 - The voice of the excluded and the power;
11 - Intercultural education, according to UNESCO.


Geertz, C. , 1989 , Interpretação das culturas , RJ: Koogan
Canen, A. , 2000 , Educação multicultural, identidade nacional e pluralidade cultural , s/ed
Gimeno Sacristán, J. , 2003 , Educar e Conviver na Cultura Global , Porto: ASA
Giroux, H. , 2003 , Atos impuros. A prática política dos estudos culturais , Porto Alegre: ARTMED
Gonçalves, L. & Silva, P. , 2001 , O jogo das diferenças: o multiculturalismo e seus contextos , Belo Horizonte: Autêntica
Leite, C. , 2000 , Uma análise da dimensão multicultural do Currículo , s/ed
Silva, T. T. , 2000 , Identidade e diferença: a perspectiva dos estudos culturais , Petrópolis: Vozes
Sousa, J. M , 2015 , O currículo e a identidade cultural. In J. C. Morgado et all (Ed.) , Sto Tirso: De Facto
Moreira, A. F. e Candau, V. (Orgs.) , 2014 , Multiculturalismo. Diferenças culturais e práticas pedagógicas , Petrópolis: Vozes

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
In addition to the theoretical exposition and clarification of concepts by the teacher, using the projection of slides, also carry out reading of short texts and discussion in pairs, group and plenary. The main reading takes place mainly outside the classroom sessions. From case studies, students are asked to build a portfolio which will register their personal comments and critical reflection. The course also includes a practical component in which students organized in groups, and based on theoretical foundations harvested analyse projects and multicultural education practices. As for the evaluation it is taken into account the level of participation of each of the group work and classroom activities and individual written about the challenges of multiculturalism in education, previously presented orally in class and subject to debate.