Subject: Project Management in Education
Scientific Area:
63 Hours
Number of ECTS:
7,5 ECTS
Overall objectives:
1 - Identify the steps in the construction of an educational intervention project.
2 - To recognize the political and administrative organization of school education, relating it to the curriculum organization of the Portuguese education system.
3 - To promote critical capacity and the innovative spirit in educational policy matters.
4 - Understand the dynamics of the project in strategic management of the school environment.
1 - Working for Projects in Education: construction stages and processes.
2 - The Educational Project and the Autonomy of Schools.
2.1 - Territorialization of educational policies: the place of the Project.
2.2 - The Educational Network Project.
3 - Critical Theory and School Educational Project.
4 - Organizational Images of the School.
5 - Leadership and Organizational Climates.
6 - Vision, Mission and Values: the organizational identity.
7 - Strategic management, change management and organizational learning.
7.1 - Elaboration of the improvement plan.
7.2 - Optimization of the school's strategic management instruments: PEE, PCE, PCT, PAA and RI.
7.3 - SWOT analysis
7.4 - SMART goals.
8 - Knowledge necessary for educational/training practice.
J. Barroso , 2005 , Políticas educativas e organização escolar , Universidade Aberta
J. A. Costa , 2003 , Imagens organizacionais da escola , Edições ASA
M. Fullan , 2003 , Liderar numa Cultura de Mudança , Edições ASA
Miguel Santos Guerra , 2002 , Entre bastidores: o lado oculto da organização escolar , Edições ASA
Alves, José Matias , 2003 , Organização, gestão e projectos educativos das escolas , Porto: ASA
Carapeto, Carlos & Fonseca, Fátima , 2006 , Administração Pública. Modernização, Qualidade e Inovação , Lisboa: Edições Sílabo
Fraga, Nuno & Correia, Cristina. , 2013 , O Projeto ?Eu Participo?. Revista Internacional de Educación para la Justicia Social ,
Freire, Paulo , 2009 , Pedagogia da Autonomia , São Paulo: Paz e Terra
L. Cortesão, C. Leite, J. A. Pacheco , 2002 , Trabalhar por Projectos em Educação, Uma inovação Interessante? , Porto Editora
Assesssment methods and criteria:
Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)
Evaluation Methodology:
The teaching-learning process at the UC supports the principle of active methodologies, so the debate on generating themes, the sharing of the respective (de)constructions and content analysis will be privileged. The expository moments by the professor are essential to the framing of the great lines of thought that underlie the UC, such as the project, strategic management and leadership. Based on Freire's problematizing education principle, cultural circles will be promoted for the (de)construction and analysis of generating themes and brainstorming. The assessment of student learning is procedural and continuous. The evaluation model adopted includes the following evaluation elements: 1. Individual written test (frequency): (45% of the final grade). 2. Group work (written and presented orally): (45% of the final grade). 3. Direct observation of student participation on all activities carried out in class (10% of the final grade).