Subject: Environmental Education

Scientific Area:



63 Hours

Number of ECTS:

7,5 ECTS



Overall objectives:

1 - It is intended that the student develop skills and competencies in understanding and integrating environmental and sustainability issues in various situations, in particular in the context of environmental education, thus being necessary:
1.1 - Understand the concepts in environment and be able to frame them in the context of environmental education.
1.2 - Understand the interrelationship of environmental factors and their holistic dimension.
1.3 - Know the main components of environmental literacy and be able to identify barriers to their promotion.
1.4 - Understand and dominate strategies for environmental education.
1.5 - Develop critical and innovative spirit in the approach to environmental issues and raise their own environmental literacy.
1.6 - Develop communication skills and self-learning.


1 - The global state of the environment.
2 - Concepts in environment and sustainability
3 - The individual and collective responsibility for the environment.
4 - The Earth Condominium and the common parts of the planet.
5 - Environmental Literacy: The goal of Environmental Education.
6 - Strategies for Environmental Education.
7 - Reduce, reuse and recycle waste.
8 - Renewable energy and energy efficiency.
9 - Sustainable mobility.
10 - Sustainable management of water resources.
11 - Maintenance of Biodiversity


Hélder Spínola , 2014 , Forty years of environmental education in the Portuguese Democracy , The Online Journal of New Horizons in Education, 4
Hélder Spínola , 2011 , Educação ambiental: necessário avaliar e inovar , In: Fino CN & Sousa JM, (edits)
. , Pesquisar para mudar (a educação) , CIE-UMa
Hélder Spínola, Idalina Perestrelo Luís, Filipa Alves, Sandra Oliveira e Vanda Marques , 2011 , Ambiente para Jovens: Aprender e Aplicar , Editora Educação Nacional
Herbert Girardet , 2007 , Criar Cidades Sustentáveis. Cadernos Schumacher para a Sustentabilidade , Edições Sempre-em-Pé
Magalhães P. , O Condomínio da Terra ? Das alterações climáticas a uma nova concepção jurídica do Planeta , Almedina
João Evangelista , Educação Ambiental- uma via de leitura e compreensão. Cadernos de educação ambiental , Instituto de Promoção Ambiental

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The teaching of Environmental Education discipline favors a theoretical framework followed by a practical approach. The theoretical framework starts with a shared, critical analysis of concepts, issues and problems, based on the perceptions of the students themselves. After this questioning and critical analysis follows a systematic exposition of the contents with frequent use of powerpoint presentations. The practical approach is based on the development of environmental education projects through group work in thematic areas inicially defined, and their implementation in a real context, notably in the University itself or outside, addressed to specific target audiences. Students will be assessed based in one individual written test (50%) and a practical group work (environmental education project), evaluated through its presentation in seminar format (25%) of and a written report (25%).