Subject: Education through the Arts - Literature

Scientific Area:



63 Hours

Number of ECTS:

7,5 ECTS



Overall objectives:

1 - Introduction to literary studies as a discipline by analyzing materials, methodologies and terminology necessary for the study of literary and cultural texts;
2 - Provide tools and methods for developing an effective practice of critical writing and research;
3 - Stimulate the ability to "read" as reflective capacity.
4 - Use literature as a form of education for different age levels;
5 - Establish different possibilities to approach texts considering its multiple dimensions: narrative, poetic, dramatic.
6 - Developh valid operating points for the literary and artistic education, considered comprehensively and placed in correlation with the language education.


1 - The literary text
1.1 - 1.1 Characterization of literary language and definition of literary text
1.2 - The functions of literature
1.3 - The functions of language: a definition of prose and poetic text
2 - Of the literary genres
2.1 - The epic genre: the epic tradition in Greece and the Homeric texts
2.1.1 - The individuality of the ILIAD
2.2 - 2.2 Maturity and reflection on literary theory: Plato and Aristotelian response in POETICS
2.3 - The tragedy and comedy
2.4 - The lyric
2.5 - The narrative
3 - The Possibilities of Literary Text in Art Education
3.1 - Working literary text: reading and literary analysis
3.2 - The artistic text in an educational context (the literary text and the dramatic film text)
3.2.1 - The text as a tool for the acquisition of linguistic and communicative competence
3.2.2 - The text as a tool for the acquisition of social competence and creative
3.2.3 - The text and the acquisition of historical skills


Reis, Carlos, , 1995 , O conhecimento da Literatura: Introdução aos Estudos Literários , Coimbra, Almedina
Reis, Carlos e Cristina Lopes, , 1987 , Dicionário de Narratologia , Coimbra, Almedina
Silva, Vítor Manuel de Aguiar , 1984 , Teoria da Literatura , Coimbra, Almedina
ECO, Umberto , 1995 , Seis Passeios nos Bosques da Ficção , Lisboa, Difel,
SERODIO, Maria Helena, , Leituras do Texto Dramático , Lisboa, Livros Horizonte
MATOS, Maria Vitalina Leal de, , 2001 , Introdução aos Estudos Literários , Lisboa/São Paulo, Verbo
TODOROV, Tzvetan, , 1981 , Os Géneros do Discurso , Lisboa, Edições 70
MARIOLINA, Diana, MICHELE , 2002 , Raga Cinema e Scuola. I Film come Strumenti di Didattica , Brescia, La Scuola
PARDINHAS, Elvira Manuel, Braga, Zaida Maria, , 1994 , Itinerários Literários: Viajando pela Literatura Portuguesa , Porto, Asa,
READ, Herbert, , 1982 , A Educação pela Arte , Lisboa, Edições 70

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Realization of moments of discussion and debate in class with the purpose of interpreting texts; presentation of individual oral work in the context of interaction with peers and the teacher; workshops and a seminarworkshop of 4 hours with guests; reading aloud narrative, dramatic and lyrical texts; writing artistic texts. Students should make two tests corresponding to the two major parts of the program, one of short answer and the other constituted by an essay (40% + 40%) and present an individual work (lesson planning) (20%).