Subject: Education through Art - Plastic Arts

Scientific Area:



63 Hours

Number of ECTS:

7,5 ECTS



Overall objectives:

1 - Recognize the development of creativity as a key element for human and social development;
2 - Recognize the importance of the arts, particularly the visual arts, in the development of the individual;
3 - Recognize the importance of art in human history;
4 - Understand the importance education through art as means of personal development and, consequently, as cultural and social development;
5 - Understand the evolution of the graphic-expressive language in children, with the purpose of providing appropriate attitudes within the scope of educational practice;
6 - Reflect critically on the work of art;
7 - Show an approach and creative use of materials and techniques;
8 - Envision projects / interventions and educational materials within the scope of education through art.


1 - Creativity
2 - Art
3 - Education through Art
4 - Principles for arts education
5 - Stages of child development: the artistic expression stages since the first graphical manifestations.
6 - The Plastic language
7 - The Plastic representation in space or visual field
8 - Artistic Expression Techniques
8.1 - Methods, techniques and representation and two-dimensional modeling materials:
8.2 - Methods, techniques and representation and three-dimensional modeling materials
9 - The materialization of plastic form, as a means or vehicle of communication / expression
9.1 - Conducting various practical activities
10 - Project Work of an intervention activity within the scope of education through art


Arnheim , 2006 , Arte e percepção visual , S. Paulo: Thomson
Bamford , 2009 , El Factor ¡Wuau! El papel de las artes en la educacion , Barcelona: Octaedro
Csikszentmihalyi , 2006 , La créativité , Paris: Robert Laffont
Dewey , 2008 , El arte como experiencia , Barcelona: Ediciones Paidós
Duncum , 2010 , Conceitos chave da educação para a cultura visual ,
Fróis , 2000 , Educação estética e artística, abordagens transdisciplinares , Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
Gardner , 2010 , Educación artística y desarrollo humano , Barcelona: Paidós
Greene , 2005 , Liberal la imaginacion , Barcelona: Editorial Graó
Joly , 2008 , Introdução à análise da imagem , Lisboa: Edições 70
Kandinsky , 1998 , Gramática da criação , Lisboa: Edições 70
Manovich , 2005 , El lenguaje de los medios de comunicación: la imagen en la era digital , Barcelona, Espanha: Paidós
Read , 2007 , Educação pela arte , Lisboa: Edições 70

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Lecture and clarification of concepts; Reading and analysis of texts; Reflection in large and small group; Study visits; Presentation of scripts and / or reports of study visits; Production / creation of art objects; Group assignment - research work and oral presentation about artistic expression techniques; Individual assignment - development and oral presentation of an individual project work of an activity intervention in education through art. The final evaluation will be the result of the sum of the different evaluation moments, based on a stepwise monitoring of student work during the school year, which includes: attendance and commitment to participation in the activities, performance in the research work, in the assignments and in their oral presentation. The final overall score includes: Continuous assessment - 10%; work performed in class - 15%; Group work- 35%; Individual project work / research and respective oral presentation - 40%.