Subject: Curriculum Theory and Development

Scientific Area:



63 Hours

Number of ECTS:

7,5 ECTS



Overall objectives:

1 - Perspective Curriculum history
2 - Distinguish Traditional, critical, and post-critical Curriculum theories
3 - Identify the situational definitions of curriculum
4 - Understand the concept of Pedagogy of Difference
5 - Analyse the social construction of curriculum
6 - Problematize the concept of multiculturalism and curriculum.


1 - Historical Perspective of Curriculum
2 - The prospect of Taylor
3 - The vision of Michael Apple and Ivor Goodson
4 - The Pedagogy of Difference by Tomaz Tadeu da Silva
5 - Situational Definitions of Curriculum
6 - Problematization of Curiculum concept
7 - Education and Curriculum
8 - Social reproduction, Social Control and inclusion/ exclusion
9 - Curriculum as knowledge, power and identity
10 - Identity and Otherness
11 - The difference of the multiple
12 - Pedagogy of the difference


ALTHUSSER, L. , 1974 , Aparelhos Ideológicos de Estado , Editorial Presença
APPLE, M. , 1999 , Ideologia e currículo , Porto Editora
APPLE, M. , 2001 , Educação e poder , Porto Editora
GOODSON, I. F. , 2001 , O currículo em mudança. Estudos na construção social , Porto Editora
GOODSON, I. F. , 1997 , A construção social do currículo , Educa
SILVA, T. T. , 2000 , Teorias do Currículo. Uma introdução crítica , Porto Editora
SILVA, T. T. (Org.). , 2000 , Identidade e Diferença. A perspectiva dos Estudos Culturais , Editora Vozes

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
The assessment methodology includes the completion of: 1. Exam 50% 2. Group work 40% 3. Presentation of Group Work 10%, considering the Student Learning Regulation of the University of Madeira.