Subject: Psychology of Education
Scientific Area:
63 Hours
Number of ECTS:
7,5 ECTS
Overall objectives:
1 - Characterize the Educational Psychology and its relevance in the educational field;
2 - Understand and know the characteristics of different stages of physical, cognitive, interpersonal, and moral development, and point out the educational implications;
3 - Understand and know the different processes involved in learning;
4 - Understand the specificity of the educational processes and their interaction with the processes of development and learning;
5 - Understand the concept of intelligence and reflect on the importance of development in educational contexts;
6 - Distinguish different categories of psychological research in education.
1 - Introduction to Educational Psychology
1.1 - The epistemological status of Educational Psychology
1.2 - Application of Educational Psychology
2 - Theories of development and education
2.1 - Definition of development
2.2 - Theories of Piaget, Vygotsky, Erikson and Kohlberg and their educational implications
2.3 - Theories about aging
2.4 - Critical appraisal of the theories of development
3 - Theories of teaching and learning models
3.1 - Concept learning and its relation to the concept of development
3.2 - Theory of Bruner and Ausubel Theory and its educational implications
3.3 - Critical appraisal of the theories of learning.
4 - Intelligence and education
4.1 - Definition and explanatory models of intelligence
4.2 - Theory of Multiple Intelligences of Gardner;
4.3 - Emotional intelligence
5 - Contributions of research in psychology for knowledge in education.
Almeida, L.S., Guisande, M.A. & Ferreira, A.I. , 2009 , Inteligência: Perspectivas Teóricas , Coimbra: Almedina
Barros de Oliveira, J. H. , 2005 , Psicologia da Educação , Porto: Livpsic-Psicologia
Coll, C., Marchesi, A., & Palacios, J. (Coords) , 2004 , Desenvolvimento Psicológico e Educação. Psicologia da Educação Escolar , Porto Alegre: ArtMed
Miranda, G., & Bahia, S. , 2005 , Psicologia da educação: Temas de desenvolvimento, aprendizagem e ensino , Lisboa: Relógio d' Água
Oliveira, J. H. B. , 2007 , Psicologia da Educação: Aprendizagem/aluno , Porto: Livpsic.Papalia, D. E.
Olds, S. W., & Feldman, R. D. , 2001 , O mundo da criança , Amadora: McGraw-Hill
Slavin, R. E. , 2012 , Educational psychology: Theory and practice , Boston, MA
Sprinthall, N. A., & Sprinthall, R. C. , 1993 , Psicologia educacional: Uma abordagem desenvolvimentista , Lisboa: McGraw-Hill
Assesssment methods and criteria:
Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)
Evaluation Methodology:
Lecture method, group discussion and practical work. Audiovisual and computer resources. In the evaluation will have a more active participation of students (critical review and practical work (50%)) and a written test (50%).