Subject: Socio-Anthropology of Culture
Scientific Area:
Art Sciences
48 Hours
Number of ECTS:
Overall objectives:
1 - The aims of the curricular unit will be attained if, at the end of the semester, the students will be able to develop the following competencies: - To acknowledge the fields of Cultural Anthropology ans sociology, as well as to distinguish these two ways of studying the human phenomenon, its respective origin and objectives.
2 - -To use the acquired knowledge to make a personal reflection on the new human and societal dimensions opened by contemporary knowledge e various contemporary artistic expressions. "
1 - I. Introduction to Sociology and Anthropology 1. The founders of the Social science and Humanities 2. Object of Sociology: Study of social phenomena 3. Object of Anthropology: Identity and representations
2 - II. Culture and Cultures 1. Definitions, paradigms and cultural relativism 2. Art as a form of cultural expression 3. First artistic expressions: history and meaning
3 - III. Art as socio-anthropological phenomena 1. The art and object: the consumer society 2. Artistic media (Body Art, Street Art ...)
DUQUE, Félix , 2001 , Arte Público y Espacio Político , Ediciones Akal, Arte e Estética 61
MADERUELO, Javier , 2001 , Arte Público: Naturaleza y ciudad , Fundación César Manrique
REGATÃO, José Pedro , 2007 , Arte Pública e os novos desafios das intervenções no espaço urbano , BonD Books on Demand
BENJAMIN, Walter: , 1992 , Sobre Arte, Técnica, Linguagem e Política , Lisboa, Relógio D'Água
JOLY, Martine er al. , 2011 , Dicionário da imagem , Lisboa: Edições 70
D Cuche , 2003 , A Noção de Cultura nas Ciências Sociais , Pé de Página
M Titiev , 2000 , Introdução à Antropologia Cultural , F. Calouste Gulbenkian
HAUSER, Arnold , História Social da Arte e da Cultura ?Rococó, Classicismo e Romantismo, Lisboa: Estante Editora, 198 ,
A. Cunhal , 1996 , A arte, o artista e a sociedade , Caminho
- , 1990 , Dicionário da arte e dos artistas , Ed. 70
- , 1982 , Dicionário de sociologia , Verbo
U. Eco , 1989 , Arte e beleza na estética medieval , Presença
B. Groys , 2008 , Art power , The MIT Press
Samuel Mateus , 2012 , ?O Principio de Publicidade ? da dimensão crítica à dimensão socio-antropológica?, , Cadernos de Estudos Mediáticos, nº9, Porto, 2012
P. Francastel , 19977 , Etudes de sociologie de l'art , Denoël
Assesssment methods and criteria:
Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)
Evaluation Methodology:
Theoretical classes and discussion of texts and research topics by the students, allow them to develop their own personal path of learning the research methodologies, encouraging reflection and writing. Evaluation: written individual work (50%); Continuous assessment (50%): attendance, preparation of lectures, active participation in class, individual/group task, readings.