Subject: Digital Laboratory

Scientific Area:



80 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - - Understanding of the different elements that structure the digital media.
2 - - Technological skills in the context of digital imaging.
3 - - A creative and articulated application among the different languages of digital aesthetics, expressed in the results of practical work.


1 - Digital video post-production: correction, composition, effects and manipulation
2 - Digital audio post-Production: correction, Sync, effects, and manipulation
3 - Techniques, processes and characteristics of music video
4 - Post-production of the photographic digital image
5 - Graphic printing techniques.
6 - Introduction to hypermedia and interactive context and practice.


M Rush , 2001 , New Media in Late 20th-Century , Thames and Hudson
MELLADO, José Maria , 2006 , Fotografia Digital de Alta Calidad , Artual, S.L Ediciones
O Grau , 2003 , Virtual art: from ilusion to immersion , MIT Press
D. Prakel , 2011 , Principios de Fotografía aplicada creativa , Gustavo Gili
M. Langford , 1993 , Guía prático Fotografía , Circulo de leitores
M. MacLuhan , 1979 , Os meios de comunicação como extensão do homem , Cultrix
Ang, T. , 2005 , Introdução à fotografia digital , Civilização Editores
Manovich, Lev , 2001 , The language of New Media , The MIT Press
PACKER, Randall; JORDAN, Ken, , 2002 , Multimedia from Wagner to virtual reality , New York/ London, W.W. Norton & Cie
McLuhan, Marshall & Fiore Quentin , 2001 , The Medium is the Massage , Gingko Press. [1967]

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Lectures of a expositive nature (content presentation) and demonstrative classes (demonstration and handling of the equipment, accomplishment of technical and expressive exercises and laboratory practice). Continuous evaluation: individualized pedagogical and didactic follow-up and a balance at the end of each applied exercise. Periodic evaluation: work / exercise proposals: analysis of the phases of the work. Technical and formal experimentation. No element may have a weighting of more than 50%. Theoretical-Practical Projects 25% Recoverable practical work on appeal exam 25% Non-recoverable practical work 25% Recoverable practical work 25% Non-recoverable practical work.