Subject: Laboratory of Visual Arts II
Scientific Area:
80 Hours
Number of ECTS:
Overall objectives:
1 - - Acquire knowledge that allows a broad understanding of the relationship between space and work of art.
2 - - Show creative and participative spirit, through the practice of research and experimentation in diverse contexts.
3 - - Present relevant solutions in the use and combination of means, techniques and concepts.
4 - - Reveal a reflexive practice around other expressive means and integrated artistic creation.
5 - - Apply knowledge about proposals of artists through their works.
1 - The volume / relief:
1.2 - Three-dimensional modeling.
1.3 - methods and techniques in three-dimensional plastic representation.
2 - Indirect modeling:
2.1 - The molding.
2.2 - Molds and training.
2.3 - Molds and training.
2.4 - Formation of gypsum / silicone or other materials suitable for molding.
3 - Direct modeling:
3.1 - olumetric tests of form and materials.
4 - Digital tools:
4.1 - Use of other technologies, including new technologies and digital tools, as a complement to traditional tools and technologies.
4.2 - CAD tools.
4.3 - Rapid prototyping.
AAVV , 2006 , Cenceptos Fundamentales del Lenguaje Escultórico , Akal
AAVV , 2009 , Procedimientos y Materiales en la Obra Escultórica , Akal
COLLINS, Judith , 2007 , Sculpture Today , Phaidon Press Ltd
FLYNN, Tom , 2002 , El cuerpo en la escultura , Akal
GEORGE, Herbert , 2014 , The Elements of Sculpture , Phaidon Press Limited.
JODIDIO, Philip , 2011 , Serpentine Gallery Pavillions , Taschen
CONSALEZ, Lorenzo , Maquetas, La representación del espacio en el proyecto arquitectónico , Gustavo Gili
MAYER, Ralph , 1976 , Materiales y técnicas del arte , BT Batsford Ltd
ROCHA, Carlos Sousa , Plasticidade do Papel e Design , Plátano Editora
KNOLL, Wolfgang; HECHINGER, Martin , 2009 , Maquetas de arquitectura, Técnicas y construcción , Gustavo Gili
LIZANDRA, José Luís Navarro , 2005 , Maquetas, Modelos y Moldes: Materiales y técnicas para dar forma a las ideas , ublicaciones de la Universitá Jaume I.
SAMPAIO, A.Z. AEIST , 2008 , Modelação 3D de solução estrutural ,
SAMPAIO, A.Z , 2006 , Modelação geométrica de sólidos, estrutura de dados de modelos 3D transformações geométricas em 3D e projecções planas. ,
DANAHER, Simon , 2004 , Digital 3D Design , Thomson.
VOLPATO, Neri , Prototipagem Rápida - Tecnologias e Aplicações ,
CHUA, C. K; Leong K. F , Rapid Prototyping: Principles and Applications. ,
CAUSEY, Andrew , 1998 , Scuplture Since 1945 , Oxford History of Art, University Press
TRUSTED, Marjorie , 2007 , The Making of Sculpture , V&A Publications
RUGOFF, Ralph , 2014 , The Human Factor: The Figure in Contemporary Sculpture , Hayward Publishing
Assesssment methods and criteria:
Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)
Evaluation Methodology:
Combinatorial methods will be used: Demo, dialogic, active and exhibition for practical classes: Fundamental theoretical concepts for the domain in project-development in digital format are provided. To better consolidation of knowledge by the students, practical exercises which apply the methodologies developed are studied. In the practical component of the knowledge acquired through student develops three-dimensional project where it is possible to explore the tools and as a result of this work to test and analyse the results. The assessment is continuous and presupposes attendance, punctuality and participation. Experimentation with conventional three-dimensional media. and the components: 30% Non-recoverable practical work in resourse exam (portrait) 20% Practical work recoverable in resource (portrait interpretation) 30% Recoverable practical work in resource (relief) 20% Practical work not recoverable in resource (anatomical model)