Subject: Performing Arts

Scientific Area:



64 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - The Curricular Unit aims to provide knowledge and experimentation, in a practical application in performance, where the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired converge. It is intended to instil recourse to a personal 'Notes Book' in order that the progressive registration of ideas is reflected in the preparation of the final work, developing a sense of observation and research, in a continuous cross between the knowledge provided and the knowledge acquired. It will appeal to the use of existing solutions and technical means available, in the implementation of projects where 'yesterday' and 'today' will complement. In the end, the student must wake up autonomously, for a critical intervention in the social reality that surrounds him(her).


1 - Historical background: major artistic movements in Europe and Portugal ? from the sixteenth century to the twentieth century;
2 - The Portuguese artistic reality of the twentieth century: artistic performance;
3 - The Autonomous Region of Madeira in the Portuguese art scene;
4 - Performance Yesterday and Today: in and out of doors - what means ?go to the streets?;
5 - Public: respect, raise and educate.


M. Augé , 1992 , Não-lugares. Introdução a uma antropologia da sobremodernidade , Letra Livre
C Galhós , 2010 , Pina Bausch. Sentir mais , D. Quixote
José Gil , 2010 , A Arte como Linguagem , Relógio d'Água
RoseLee Goldberg , 2012 , A Arte da Performance , Orfeu negro
Manuel Morais (Coord.) , 2008 , A Madeira e a Música: Estudos (c.1508 ? c.1974) , Funchal 500 anos
Paulo Pereira , 2011 , Arte Portuguesa , Temas e Debates
Idalina Sardinha , 2007 , A Fruição da Arte , Celta
José Sasporte , 2012 , A Quinta Musa. Imagens da história da dança , Bizâncio
Susan Sontag , 2004 , Contra a Interpretação e outros ensaios , Gótica
Antonino Solmer (coord.) , 2003 , Manual de Teatro , Temas e Debates

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
As part of the Performing Arts, it will combine theoretical methods of acquiring structural concepts and the practice in the laboratory, with the aim that the student develops the confidence for the public presentation of the works created for this purpose. The application of the knowledge acquired, will be made to foster their critical and self-evaluation spirit. AVALIAÇÃO Attendance and experimental practice (continuous evaluation); periodic monitoring of work phases: pre-assessments of a qualitative nature; 'Notebook' notes: 30%; Writing Assessment: 20%; Final Proposal 50%.