Subject: Regional Economy

Scientific Area:



64 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - The goal of the program is to give students in the fields of economics and management a comprehensive and indepth theoretical and empirical knowledge in regional science, namely in terms of analytical methods and design of development policies. Studentsmust be able to understand the line of reasoning underlying studies, reports and the design of regional development policies along with basic concepts in micro and firms development.
2 -  This course is also aimed at providing our students with skills to (basic) solve problems in the field of regional development, based on their knowledge of concepts and methods. Students are also expected to deal with increasingly complex concepts, advanced reasoning and integration/adaptation of theoretical concepts and empirical evidence of daily life problems in complex developmental issues. Furthermore, students are required to understand basic concepts in the topic of islands economies.


1 - Introduction. The analysis of the economic phenomena with a regional focus
2 - The geographic location of economic activity. The theory of location.
3 - Models of economic growth and regional development
4 - Other determinants of regional development
5 - Portuguese and European regional development policies
6 - Madeira economy; an overview


Compendio de Economia Regional , Costa, J., Nijkamp, P. , Editora Principia
Philip McCann , 2015 , Modern and regional economics , Oxford University Press,

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Syllabus is covered in theoretical (by analysing and discussing the theoretical concepts) + practical (student centred classes focused in offering students the opportunity to practice what they learnt in terms of analytical tools, methods and concepts) classes, with the possibility of students intervention. 2 written tests (50%each assesses students' knowledge. Minimum grade is 6. Student are urged to develop their skills and further their research through further reading. Students are also encouraged to participate in practical sessions based on problem solving exercises intended to increase their competences in applying concepts and analytical skills. Case study analysis (based on relevant legislation, press releases and studies and reports in regional development policies) is adopted for every topic. Resit: 100% of the syllabus (if students haven?t passed during midterm period), or exam with part of the syllabus (if the student has not passed 1 element of the evaluation).