Subject: Zoology II

Scientific Area:



68 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - OA1- To have the perception of biological diversity of deuterostomes
2 - OA2- Be able to characterize and recognize the different groups of animals, included in Deuterostomes
3 - OA3- To understand the phylogenetic relationships of diferent groups of deuterostomes, particularly of Chordata Vertebrates
4 - OA4- To Know the structure, morphology, ecology, taxonomy, and other aspects of the biology of deuterostomes
5 - Skills to be acquired by the Student: Ability of students to express themselves in a suitable language for the specific area of the course
6 - Skills to be acquired by the Student: Capacity of Analysis and Synthesis
7 - Skills to be acquired by the Student: Critical thinking and organization of ideas


1 - Apresentação da Unidade Curricular - Programa, avaliação, etc
2 - Revisão de alguns aspectos biológicos, organização corporal, desenvolvimento embrionário, etc.
3 - Deuterostomios: caracterizacao geral
4 - Hemicordados: Aspectos da morfologia, anatomia, fisiologia, ecologia, reproducao e da filogenia
5 - Equinodermes: Aspectos da morfologia, anatomia, fisiologia, ecologia, reproducao e da filogenia dos Equinodermes e Classes constituintes
6 - rincipais semelhancas e diferencas entre Hemicordados, Equinodermes e Cordados
7 - Caracterização geral dos Cordados
8 - Filogenia e origem dos Cordados e grupos constituintes
9 - Caracterizacao geral dos Urocordados e Cefalocordados: Aspectos da morfologia, anatomia, fisiologia, ecologia, reproducao e da filogenia
10 - Caracterizacao geral: Aspectos da morfologia, anatomia, fisiologia, ecologia, reproducao e da filogenia dos agnatos, peixes osseos, peixes cartilagineos, anfibios, repteis, Aves e Mamiferos
11 - Aspectos da sistematica dos principais grupos de Vertebrados
12 - Evolucao dos sistemas orgânicos e estruturas nos Cordados


KARDONG K. & ZALISKO E. , 1998 , Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy. A Laboratory Dissecation Guide. , WCB/McGraw­Hill.
PEARSON R. & BALL J , 1981 , Lecture Notes on Vertebrate Zoology. , Blackwell Scientific Publications. 2ª ed. Cambridge University Press.
MOORE, J. , 2006 , An introduction to the Invertebrates. , Cambridge University Press
HICKMAN C., ROBERTS L. & LARSON A. , 2006 , Integrated principles of Zoology. , McGraw-Hill.

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quantitativa (0-20)

Evaluation Methodology:
Lectures: essentially expositive, using powerpoint presentations and other audiovisual techniques like video; Discussion with students of current issues related to the study of animals. Laboratory Practice Classes: observation of macroscopic and microscopic structure of different groups of deuterostomes using magnifiers, microscopes and other lab materials, and manuals of identification. Also, use of models, preserved animal or dissection of some animals. Fieldwork classes: animals will be collected for observation in the Laboratory (Laboratory Practice Classes). Ecological conditions and behavior of some species will also be observed in locus. Some groups will also be identified using dichotomous keys or Field Guides. Evaluation: Written exam (40%), Practical exam (40%), Report of FieldWork (20%)