Subject: Education, Citizenship and Globalization

Scientific Area:



35 Hours

Number of ECTS:




Overall objectives:

1 - Understanding citizenship education as a global public good
2 - Identify the possible definitions of Globalization
3 - Understand the ethical dimension of global citizenship;
4 - Analyze globalization in light of the integration of different communities and cultures
5 - Discuss the globalization of citizenship education as inclusion and diversity
6 - Identify the challenges of globalization in the field of human rights


1 - Goals of education for global citizenship
2 - Globalization: from economics to human rights
3 - Globalization, Citizenship and Human Rights: the consolidation of ethics and democracy 3.1. The consolidation of ethics and democracy; 3.2. Economic blocs and the Global Village; 3.3. Expansion of capitalism; 3.4. Breaking down border barriers (The case of the EU); 3.5. The background of globalization and social balance;
4 - Citizenship education in a global context: antecedents and impacts
5 - Ethics and reform of society through education for global citizenship
6 - The State and International Law: multicultural nations and immigration
7 - Structural factors that may constrain progress in the development of education for global citizenship
8 - Educational systems and inclusion of diversity: the curriculum
9 - Ethical awareness as awareness of duty: the categorical imperative
10 - Contemporary themes/problems and the challenges of education for global citizenship


APPLE, M. , 2001 , Educação e poder , Porto Editora
PERRENOUD, P. , 2005 , Escola e Cidadania: o papel da escola na formação para a democracia , trad. Fátima Murad
S. Araújo , 2004 , Contributos para uma educação para a cidadania. Professores e estudantes em contexto intercultural , Alto Comissariado para a Imigração e Diálogo Intercultural
I. Batista , 2005 , Dar rosto ao futuro. A Educação como compromisso ético , Profedições
F. Savater , 2002 , Ética y ciudadania , Montesinos
Ibrahim, T. , 2005 , Global citizenship education: Mainstreaming the curriculum? , Cambridge Journal of Education
PIMENTA, Carlos. , 2004 , Globalização: Produção, Capital Fictício e Redistribuição, Ideias - Economia , Campo da Comunicação
ROCHA-CUNHA, Silvério , 2005 , rabalhos de Sísifo do direito e da política no actual labirinto da sociedade mundial. In Política, Cidadania & Cultura numa Era Global , Instituto Superior Económico e Social.
Westheimer, J., & Kahne, J. , 2004 , Educating the "Good" Citizen: Political Choices and Pedagogical , Westheimer, J., & Kahne, J.
Sutherland, M. , 2002 , Educating citizens in Europe. , European Education,
Goren, H., & Yemini, M. , 2017 , Global citizenship education redefined ? A systematic review of empirical studies on global citizenship education. , International Journal of Educational Research
Pais, A., & Costa, M. , 2020 , An ideology critique of global citizenship education , Critical Studies in Education

Assesssment methods and criteria:

Classification Type: Quant Dec (0-10)

Evaluation Methodology:
The methodology is of a theoretical and practical nature, that is, dialogic, promoting student involvement in the learning process. To this end, it will resort to the explanation of the syllabus, the reading and critical analysis of scientific articles (in pairs or in small groups) as well as the resolution of problems/issues related to global citizenship, in the light of ethical principles. The evaluation includes a written work (50%) and respective oral defense (50%).