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Biographical Notes

José S. Câmara is a Professor at the Chemistry Department of the University of Madeira (UMa), Funchal, Portugal, and a Senior Researcher at CQM (Madeira Chemistry Research Centre, research unit (Excellent, FCT international Evaluation). Currently is President of the Food Chemistry group from the Portuguese Chemical Society and amember of the Direction Board of CQM. He got his degree in Chemistry from the University of Coimbra and his PhD degree in Chemistry (specialization in Analytical Chemistry) from UMa in 2004. He is co-authored up to 230 papers in an international journal with an impact factor (hi=58; i10: 185, Number of citations>11800) (Google Scholar); is co-author of 11 book chapters., and presented over 430 Communications (oral and poster) in International and National scientific Conferences. Is involved in the supervision of PhD and MSc thesis in addition to the coordination of several research projects. His research interests are mainly focused on the development of miniaturization extraction techniques with application in food analysis namely on food bioactive and secondary metabolites, food molecular markers, and food authenticity. Moreover, has developed projects supported on OMIC platforms ¿ metabolomics, proteomics, volatomics, as useful tools to detect potential cancer biomarkers, namely breast, lung, and colorectal cancers. He is a regular referee of several scientific journals, including J. Chromatogr. A, J. Chromatogr. B, Talanta, Food Chem.; J. Food Compos. Anal.; Anal. Chimica Acta, Molecules, Metabolites; among others; ( He is a member of the Editorial Board of Molecules (MDPI). (Section: Analytical Chemistry), Foods (MDPI); Associate Editor of the Journal of Integrated-OMICS (JIOMICS), ISSN 2182-0287; member of Editorial Board of International Journal of Spectroscopy. Hindawi Publishing Corporation; He is Guest Editor of Special Issues in Molecules (MDPI); Foods (MDPI), Food Nutrition (Frontiers).


- . Behind the scenes of anthocyanins - from the health benefits to potential applications in food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic fields, Câmara, J.S.; Locatelli, M.; Pereira, J.A.M.; Oliveira, H.; Arlorio, M.; Fernandes, I.; Perestrelo, R.; Freitas, V.; Bordiga, M., Nutrients, 2022

- µQuEChERS combined with UHPLC-PDA as a state-of-the-art analytical approach for quantification of Chlorpropham in potato SI: State-of-Art in Separation Science., Gomes, T.; Perestrelo, R.; Camara, J.S., Separations, 2022

- 12º Encontro Nacional de Cromatografia, 978-989-8124-37-1, 12º Encontro Nacional de Cromatografia, 2022

- 1st International Webinar on Trends in Food Science, Technology & Health. Topic: Circular solutions in food systems, 1st International Webinar on Trends in Food Science, Technology & Health. Topic: Circular solutions in food systems, 2022

- 2nd International Webinar on Trends in Food Science, Technology & Health. Topic: Healthy ingredients, 2nd International Webinar on Trends in Food Science, Technology & Health. Topic: Healthy ingredients, 2022

- A fast analytical approach based on µSPEed/UHPLC-PDA for the simultaneous determination of pesticides in wastewaters, García-Cansino L., García M.A., Marina M.L., Câmara J.S., Pereira, J.A.M., 978-989-8124-37-1, 12º Encontro Nacional de Cromatografia & XIV WARP. Aveiro 6-8 December, 2022

- A high throughput analytical approach based on µ-QuEChERS combined with HPLC-MS/MS as an improved analytical approach for determination of tropane alkaloids in leafy vegetables., González-Gómez, L.; Pereira, J.A.M.; Morante-Zarceroa, S.; Câmara, J.S.; Sierra, I., Toxins, 2022

- A sustainable and innovative analytical approach based on µSPEed/UHPLC-PDA for the determination of pesticides in food and environmental samples., García-Cansino, L.; García, M.A.; Marina, M.L.; Câmara, J.S.; Pereira. J.A.M., 33rd International Symposium on Chromatography ? ISC 2022, Budapest, Hungary. 20-22 September, 2022

- An Innovate and Rapid Separation Methodology Based on µSPEed/UHPLC-PDA for the Determination of Eight Pesticides in Water Samples., García-Cansino, L., García, M.A., Marina, M.L., Câmara, J.S., Pereira, J.A.M, 978-989-8124-36-4, XVI Encontro de Química dos Alimentos. 23-26 Outubro. IPCB ? Castelo Branco, 2022

- Analysis of phenolic compounds in edible flowers using a -QuEChERS methodology combined to ultra-high performance liquid chromatography., Izcara, S.; Perestrelo, R.; Morante-Zarcero, S.; Câmara, J.S.; Sierra, I., 978-84-09-42159-6, XXXVIII Bienal Roayl Sociedad Española de Química. Granada 27-30 June, 2022

Academic Qualifications

- PhD in Química, 2004, University of Madeira

Current Duties

- Director of the Master in -