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(+351) 291 705 192 / 5192

"Without data, you're just another person with an opinion." by W. Edwards Deming

Biographical Notes

Ivo Sousa-Ferreira holds a PhD in Statistics and Operational Research from the Faculty of Sciences at the University of Lisbon. Currently, he serves as an Integrated Research Member at the Centre of Statistics and its Applications (CEAUL) and as an Invited Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Exact Sciences and Engineering of the University of Madeira. His expertise lies in the domains of Statistics and Probability, with a special interest in Survival Analysis.


- An additive shared frailty model for recurrent gap time data in the presence of zero-recurrence subjects, Sousa-Ferreira, I., Abreu, A. M. e Rocha, C., 978-3-031-68949-9, Springer, Cham, 2025

- A flexible non-mixture cure model for recurrent gap time data., Sousa-Ferreira, I., Abreu, A. M. e Rocha, C., 978-3-947323-42-5, The 37th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, 2023, 5

- The extended Chen-Poisson lifetime distribution, Sousa-Ferreira, I., Abreu, A. M. e Rocha, C., REVSTAT - Statistical Journal, 2023, 24

- Análise de Sobrevivência em R, Sousa-Ferreira, I., 1646-5903, Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística (Primavera 2022), 2022

- The extended Chen-Poisson marginal rate model for recurrent gap time data, Sousa-Ferreira, I., Rocha, C. e Abreu, A. M., Springer, Cham, 2022

- A flexible marginal rate model for recurrent events with a zero-recurrence proportion, Sousa-Ferreira, I., Rocha, C. e Abreu, A. M., 978-84-1319-267-3, The 35th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, 2020, 4

- Hybrid model for recurrent event data, Sousa-Ferreira, I., Abreu, A. M., Springer, Cham, 2019

- Parametric regression models for recurrent events analysis based on Chen distribution, Sousa-Ferreira, I., Abreu, A. M. e Rocha, C., 978-989-20-9630-8, The 34th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, 2019, 6

- A review of velocity-type PSO variants, Sousa-Ferreira, Ivo and Sousa, Duarte, 1748-3018, Journal of Algorithms & Computational Technology, 2017, 8

Academic Qualifications

- PhD in Estatística e Investigação Operacional, 2023, Universidade de Lisboa/Faculdade de Ciências

- Master Degree in Matemática, 2016, Faculdade de Ciências Exatas e da Engenharia

- Undergraduate Degree in Gestão, 2014, University of Madeira